《数理逻辑论文选 第1辑》求取 ⇩

1.A Set of Postulates for the Foundation of LogicA.Church2

2.A Set of Postulates for the Foundation of Logic'(Second Paper)A.Church23

3.An Unsolvable Problem of Elementary Number TheoryA.Church49

4.A Note on the EntscheidungsproblemA.Church68

5.Correction to a Note on the EntscheidungsproblemA.Church70

6.The Constructive Second Number ClassA.Church72

7.Formal Definitions in the Theory of Ordinal NumbersA.ChurchS.C.Kleene81

8.Some Theorems on DefinabilityDecidabilityA.ChurchW.V.Quine92

9.Grundlagen der kombinatorischen Logik.Teil 1H.B.Curry101

10.Grundlagen der kombinatorischen Logik.Teil 2H.B.Curry129

11.Some Additions to the Theory of CombinatorsH.B.Curry175

12.Arithmetical ProblemsRecursively Enumerable PredicatesM.Davis183

13.Die Vollst?ndigkeit der Axiome de logischen FunktionenkalkülsK.G?del192

14.?ber formal unentscheidbare S?tze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter System 1.K.G?del204

15.?ber die Lange yon BeweisenK.G?del225

16.Some Classes of Recursive Funct'onsA.Grzegorczyk232

17.Computable FunctionalsA.Grzegorczyk275

18.On the Definition of Computable FunctionalsA.Grzegorczyk310

19.Some Proofs of Undecidability of ArithmeticA.Grzegorczyk318

20.A Theory of Positive Integers in Formal Logic.Part 1S.C.Kleene330

21.A Theory of Positive Integers in Formal Logic.Part 2S.C.Kleene351

22.General Recursive Functions of Natural NumbersS.C.Kleene377


24.A Note on Recursive FunctionsS.C.Kleene407

25.Recursive PredicatesQuantifiersS.C.Kleene410

26.On the Forms of the Predicates in the Theory of Constructive OrdinalsS.C.Kleene443

27.On the Interpretation of Intuitionistic Number TheoryS.C.Kleene461

28.A Symmetric Form of G?del's TheoremS.C.Kleene477

29.The Upper Semi-Lattice of Degrees of Recursive UnsolvabilityS.C.Kleene480

30.On the Forms of the Predicates in the Theory of Constructive OrdinalsS.C.Kleene509

31.Arithmetical PredicatesFunction QuantifiersS.C.Kleene533

32.Hierarchies of Number-Theoretic PredicatesS.C.Kleene562

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