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1 Small business today1

Definitions of small business, using size3

Organizational definitions of small business6



Corporate ventures16

2 The small business person.why they18

matter and why they often fail18

The characteristics of a small business person18

e top entrepreneurs23

Self-evaluation for prospective small business owners28

Why small firms matter29

Why do people want to start a small business?35

How do small businesses measure success?39

Challenges and problems40

Why do small firms fail?42

3 Forming the business52

Sole trader52


Limited companies60


4 Sources of finance66

Why borrowing is attractive66

What balance of debt to equity is right68

What financiers look out for70

Sources of funds73

Debt capital73


Other ways to fund a small business87

5 Start-up strategies89

The business idea and how a small business can exploit it89

The ways in90

Management buy-outs102

Running the family business104

6 Franchising109

Forms of franchising109

The business sectors covered by franchising113

Advantages and disadvantages of taking up a franchise115

A mutual dependence119

7 Market research122

Market research topics123

Developing a prodUCt market strategy125

Some further product issues126

DIY market research127

First steps128

8 Financial management132

Winning the cash flow war132

Understanding the nature of profit136

Breaking even140

9 Managing the small business146

Missions-management starting-point146

Finding the people to manage151

improving selection155

small business management styles156

How much management does a small business need?161

Delegation-the key to the owner-manager’s163


10 The business plan167

The benefits171

Writing and editing176

Focused recipient177

Oral presentation179

11 Exit routes181

Reasons why private company owners sell up183

Where are the exits?184

Who can helP?186

Preparing for the sale188

A guide to further reading190


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