《Tab.1 Parameters calibration results of daily-scale Xin′anjiang Model》

《Tab.1 Parameters calibration results of daily-scale Xin′anjiang Model》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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The three-water source Xin′anjiang model is a lumped hydrological model,and the most important feature of its model calculation is\""three parts\"",namely,unit,water source,and stage.The calculation process to generate model runoff includes the following four parts[14]:(1)evapotranspiration calculation:which divides the soil vertically into upper,lower and deep layers,and the corresponding parameters include KC,WUM,WLM,C;(2)runoff calculation:using full-storage runoff mode,parameters include WM,B,abd IMP;(3)water source division:using free water storage reservoirs to divide water sources into three types of runoff components:surface,middle and underground;parameters include SM,EX,KI,and KG;(4)convergence calculation:Convergence is divided into two phases:slope convergence and river network convergence.The parameters include CS,CI,CG,KE,XE,and L.The daily model parameters for the three-source Xin′anjiang model from 2008-2010in the sub-basin above the Xiaolingba Station on the Jialing River are shown in Tab.1.The daily model calibration results are shown in Tab.2,while the daily model validation results are presented in Tab.3.