《外贸英语函电 上》求取 ⇩


TheLayout of a Business Letter1

Chapter 1 Establishing Business Relations15


Lesson 1 Self—Introduction17

Lesson 2 (A)Request for the Establishment of Business Relations25

(B)AReply to the Above25

Lesson 3 Transferring Business Relations31

Supplement:SomeUseful Sentences on Establishing Business Relations33


Chapter 2 Enquiries and Offers37

Lesson 4 An Enquiry for Chinese Cotton Piece Goods39

Lesson 5 (A) A“First” Enquiry45


Lesson6 (A)An Enquiry for Iron Nails49

(B)AReply to the Above49

Lesson 7 A Firm Offer55

Lesson 8 A Voluntary Offer61

Lesson 9 A Special Offer65

Lesson 10 (A)Asking for Proforma Invoice70

(B)Sending Proforma Invoice70

Lesson 11 Urging the Buyer to Accept the Offer75

Lesson 12 Concession on Price78

Supplement:Some Useful Sentences on Enquiries and Offers80

Chapter 3 Making Counter Offers and Declining Orders85


Lesson 13 Counter—offer on Groundnut Kernels87

Lesson 14 Persuading the Buyer to Accept the Offer92

Lesson 15 Offering Substitute97

Lesson 16 Inability to Supply101

Lesson 17 (A)Declining a Counter—offer105

(B)Declining an Order105

(B)Declinig a Repeat Order112

Lesson 18 (A)A Repeat Order112

Lesson 19 Partial Rejection of an Order119

Supplement:Some Useful Sentences on Counter Offers or Declining orders122

Chapter 4 Conclusion of Business125


Lesson 20 (A)Sending a Sales Contract126

(B)Sending a Sales Confirmation126

Supplement:Specimen of Sales128


Lesson 21 Confirming a Purchase133

Lesson 22 Conclusion of Business137

Lesson 23 Counter—signature142

Lesson 24 Confirming a Repeat Order145

Supplement:Some Useful Sentences on Conclusion of Business148

Chapter 5 Telegrams and Telexes151


Lesson 25 Telegrams152

Lesson 26 Specimens of Telegrams161

Lesson 27 Telexes167


(1)Worldwide Business Telex Abbreviations172

(2)partof Telex Destination Codes189


Chapter 6 Payment193

Lesson 28 (A)Proposing to Pay by 30 Days L/C194


Lesson29 (A)Asking for Easier Payment Terms199


Lesson30 (A)Asking for D/P Terms204


Lesson31 Regarding Payment Terms207

Lesson 32 (A)Moidified Terms of Payment211



Lesson 33 (A)Request for Payment by D/A216

Supplement:Some Useful Sentences on Payment218

Chapter 7 Establishment of and Amendment to L/C221


Lesson 34 Urging Establishment of L/C222

Lesson 35 Advising the Establishment of the L/C and Asking for Timely Delivery227

Lesson 36 A Specimen of an L/C231

Lesson 37 Amending L/C to Allow Partial shipment and Transhipment239

Lesson 38 Extension of L/C241

Supplement:SomeUseful sentences on Establishment of and Amendment to L/C243


Chapter 8 Shipment245

Lesson 39 Marking Requirements246

Lesson 40 Packing Requiremets249

Lesson 41 Inquiring about Shipment253

Lesson 42 Advising Shipment256

Lesson 43 (A)Asking for Earlier Shipment259

(B)AnUnfavourable Reply259

Lesson 44 (A)ProPosing Part Shipments264

(B)Adviceof Partial Shipment264

Lesson 45 Information on Container Service267

Supplement:Some Useful Sentences on Shipment269

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外贸英语  函电与谈判(1989 PDF版)
外贸英语 函电与谈判
1989 杭州:浙江大学出版社
新编外贸英语函电( PDF版)
外贸英语  函电与谈判(1989年06月第1版 PDF版)
外贸英语 函电与谈判
1989年06月第1版 浙江大学出版社
涉外经贸英语函电(1997 PDF版)
1997 青岛:青岛海洋大学出版社
外贸英语函电(1994 PDF版)
1994 北京:北京科学技术出版社
外经贸英语函电与谈判(1993 PDF版)
1993 北京:中国对外经济贸易出版社
外贸英语函电句型150例(1993 PDF版)
1993 南京:南京大学出版社
英语外贸信函(1991 PDF版)
1991 郑州:河南人民出版社
外经贸英语函电  汉语译本(1996 PDF版)
外经贸英语函电 汉语译本
1996 上海:上海科学技术文献出版社
英语900句  生活篇  book2(1996 PDF版)
英语900句 生活篇 book2
1996 海口:海南出版社;三环出版社
外贸英语函电自测手册(1997 PDF版)
1997 北京:中国对外经济贸易出版社
新编外贸英语函电(1994 PDF版)
1994 北京:中国对外经济贸易出版社
实用外贸英语函电(1995 PDF版)
1995 武汉:华中理工大学出版社
外贸英语函电(1994 PDF版)
1994 西安:西安交通大学出版社
外贸函电套语  英汉对照(1996 PDF版)
外贸函电套语 英汉对照
1996 大连:大连理工大学出版社