《Tab.1 Summary of experimental results for DTA/TG of pure components and mixtures》

《Tab.1 Summary of experimental results for DTA/TG of pure components and mixtures》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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a) Peak temperatures at maximum heat flux.b) Fusion temperatures for the mixtures are given for fuel and oxidants,respectively.T*is temperature range associated with a variation of sample's weight.

A thermal analysis instrument of HCT-2 was used for TG/DTA studies.Pure compounds and mixtures were separately studied under similar conditions(the heating rate and sample's weight were 10℃/min and2.0 mg,respectively)using TG/DTA thermal analysis instrument in air atmosphere.Thermochemical behavior of pure RP,KNO3,Ba(NO3)2,Mn O2,Fe2O3,KMn O4and mixtures of them were characterized according to Tab.1.The mixtures had the same oxygen balance(OB:-90 g oxygen/100 g sample)except KMn O4+RP+Teflon pyrotechnic mixture(OB:-108g oxygen/100 g sample),because it is easy to be ignited.The mass fraction of KMn O4is 12%,which is much less than the others.DTA experiments were run at the heating rates of 10,12,14,and 16℃/min from 25℃to 700℃with sample's weight of 2.0 mgin air atmosphere.All the samples were dried before testing,and the measurements were repeated three times.