《Table 2 Significance of difference of these traits resulted from one-way ANOVA analyzing effect of

《Table 2 Significance of difference of these traits resulted from one-way ANOVA analyzing effect of   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Variation and heritability of morphological and physiological traits among Leymus chinensis genotypes under different environmental conditions》

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Note:Pmax,the maximum net photosynthetic rate;SLA,specific leaf area;LL/LW,leaf length/leaf width ratio;Ck,non-stress;Dr,drought;Ht,high temperature;DrHt,drought and high temperature;NS,not significant;*,**,and***indicate significance at P<0.05,

There is increasing evidence that the amount and pattern of quantitative trait variation is dependent on environmental conditions(Manaa et al.,2011;Shaw et al.,2016;Yang et al.,2017),which has important consequences for understanding evolution in a changing environment(Draghi and Whitlock,2012;Hallsson and Bj?rklund,2012).Dr Ht are considered to be the major environmental factors affecting plant growth,physiological responses and biochemical and molecular changes in semi-arid areas,and these two stress conditions had very different effects on trait variation of L.chinensis(Figs.1 and 2;Table 2).