《Table 1 Summery of studies comparing imaging modalities to capsule endoscopy》

《Table 1 Summery of studies comparing imaging modalities to capsule endoscopy》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Comparison of the use of wireless capsule endoscopy with magnetic resonance enterography in children with inflammatory bowel disease》

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Other diagnostic modalities have been evaluated in comparison to WCE in several pediatric and adult inflammatory bowel disease(IBD)studies.Table 1 summarizes the adult and pediatric studies comparing different modalities to WCE.The studies conducted in children with IBD were mostly retrospective and aimed at evaluating the role of MRE and WCE for detection of SB disease.They concluded that MRE and WCE were comparable with similar sensitivities[11].Only three prospective studies(all European)in pediatric IBD have compared WCE and MRE modalities in identifying SB disease involvement.Two were studies in established CD[9,12]and one in suspected CD[13]and again,they suggested that the tests appear complementary for detection of active CD.The current study is the first prospective study in children with established IBD in the United States assessing the roles of MRE and WCE in identifying SB disease involvement in IBD.This study provides evidence for capsule endoscopy role in the evaluation of established disease exacerbation in patients with IBD in relation to MRE.