《Table 1 Effect of different temperatures on the activity of antimicrobial substances》

《Table 1 Effect of different temperatures on the activity of antimicrobial substances》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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a,b The same letter indicates that the difference is not significant(P>0.05).RT:room temperature

Compared with the control group,the relative antifungal activity of S.blastmyceticus JZB130180fermentation broth showed a significantly reduced inhibitory effect after both 30 and 60 min of treatment(P<0.05)at 40°C.Other temperature treatments ranging from 50 to 100°C showed no significantly changed inhibitory effect(P>0.05),except for after60 min at 70°C,which resulted in a significantly reduced effect.These findings indicated that temperature had only a minimal effect on the antifungal activity of S.blastmyceticus JZB130180 fermentation broth(Table 1).