《中国古代成语故事选 英汉对照》求取 ⇩

1.Pan Gu,Greator of the Universe2

一 开天辟地3

2.Kuafu Runs after the Sun4

二 夸父逐日5

3.Jinwei to Fill up the Sea6

三 精卫填海7

4.The Old Foolish Man Removes the Mountains8

四 愚公移山10

5.The Roc s Flight12

五 鹏程万里13

6.Jiang Tai Gong Fishing14

六 姜太公钓鱼16

7.To Find a Steed according to a Book18

七 按图索骥20

8.One s Own Spear and Shield22

八 自相矛盾24

9.Worrying about the Sky to Fall26

九 杞人忧天28

10.Zheng Man Buying Shoes30

十 郑人买履31

11.The Frontier Old Man Loses His Mare32

十一 塞翁失马34

12.Suspicion of the Theft36

十二 疑邻盗斧37

13.A Mantis Trying to Stop the Chariot38

十三 螳臂当车39

14.Hiding the Sickness40

十四 讳疾忌医42

15.Stealing with Ears Plugged44

十五 掩耳盗铃45

16.No Three Hundred Ounces of Silver Here46

十六 此地无银三百两48

17.Three-Four,or Four-Three50

十七 朝三暮四52

18.Asking a Fox for Its Skin54

十八 与虎谋皮56

19.Playing the Lute to the Cow58

十九 对牛弹琴60

20.Untie the Bell around the Tiger s Neck62

二十 解铃还须系铃人64

21.The Qian Donkey s Skills66

二十一 黔驴技穷68

22.Lord Ye s Love of Dragons70

二十二 叶公好龙71

23.Appreciation of Music72

二十三 高山流水74

24.The Old Horse Knows the Way76

二十四 老马识途78

25.Two Peaches Kill Three Generals80

二十五 二桃杀三士82

26.A Sweat Rain84

二十六 挥汗成雨86

27.Tangerine Changing into Trifoliate Orange88

二十七 橘化为枳90

28.Piling Eggs Precariously92

二十八 危如累卵94

29.Lips and Teeth96

二十九 唇亡齿寒98

30.The Country s Benefit First100

三十 公而忘私102

31.Heshi Jade104

三十一 和氏玉璧106

32.The Eye Can t See Its Lashes108

三十二 目不见睫110

33.You Meng s Garb112

三十三 优孟衣冠114

34.Ying Letter,Yan Explanation116

三十四 郢书燕说117

35.Buying the Casket and Returning the Pearl118

三十五 买椟还珠120

36.Attack and Defence122

三十六 输攻墨守125

37.Walking in a Vain,Swaggering Manner128

三十七 趾高气扬130

38.Kindheartedness in War132

三十八 宋襄之仁134

39.Each Has His Own Way136

三十九 各自为政137

40.Waiting for Suicidal Hares138

四十 守株待兔139

41.Helping the Shoots Grow140

四十一 揠苗助长141

42.Sharpen the Weapons and Feed the Horses142

四十二 厉兵秣马144

43.Sun Wu Training the Maids146

四十三 三令五申148

四十四 螳螂捕蝉152

44.The Cicada Catching the Mantis152

45.Like Fire,Like Reed Flowers154

四十五 如火如茶156

46.Sleeping on Brushwood and Tasting Gall158

四十六 卧薪尝胆160

47.The Hound s Fate162

四十七 兔死狗烹164

48.Dong Shi s Imitation166

四十八 东施效颦167

49.Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao168

四十九 围魏救赵170

50.To Give Guidance according to Circumstances172

五十 因势利导174

51.Amazing the World with a Single Shout176

五十一 一鸣惊人178

52.Flattery and Criticism180

五十二 门庭若市183

53.A Wily Hare Has Three Burrows186

五十三 狡兔三窟189

54.The Dog Stealing,the Cock Crowing192

五十四 鸡鸣狗盗195

55.Playing in an Ensemble198

五十五 滥竽充数200

56.Wild Goose Courier202

五十六 雁足传书204

57.The Gold Robber206

五十七 齐人攫金207

58.Terror of a Tiger,Arrogance of a Fox208

五十八 狐假虎威210

59.Adding Feet to a Snake212

五十九 画蛇添足214

60.Mend the Pen after the Sheep Is Lost216

六十 亡羊补牢218

61.A Once-hurt Bird s Fear220

六十一 惊弓之鸟222

62.The Fish in the Dry Rut224

六十二 涸辙之鲋226

63.The Frog in the Well228

六十三 井底之蛙230

64.Mark the Boat for the Lost Sword232

六十四 刻舟求剑233

65.Struggle between Snipe and Clam234

六十五 鹬蚌相争236

66.Buying the Horse s Bones238

六十六 千金买骨240

67.The Jade Returned Intact242

六十七 完璧归赵244

68.Proffer a Birch for a Flogging246

六十八 负荆请罪249

69.Pao Ding s Skill252

六十九 庖丁解牛(游刃有余)254

70.Three Talks Make a Tiger256

七十 三人成虎258

71.Driving Northward to Go South260

七十一 南辕北辙262

72.On Forked Paths for a Lost Sheep264

七十二 歧路亡羊266

73.Watching the Tigers Fight268

七十三 坐山观虎斗270

74.Gains and Losses272

七十四 贪小失大274

75.The Sonorous Song Stops the Passing Clouds276

七十五 响遏行云278

76.Hard Working Learners280

七十六 悬梁刺股282

77.Calling a Stag a Horse284

七十七 指鹿为马286

78.The Jack-o -Lanterns and the Cries of Foxes288

七十八 篝火狐鸣290

79.Break the Cauldrons and Sink the Boats292

七十九 破釜沉舟294

80. Contribution of Hunter and Hound296

八十 汗马功劳298

81.Sparrows Playing at the Gate300

八十一 门可罗雀302

82.Hundredweight Hanging by a Hair304

八十二 一发千钧306

83.Precious Pearl Worthlessly Cast308

八十三 明珠暗投310

84.Each in His Proper Place312

八十四 各得其所315

85.Bend the Chimney and Remove the Firewood318

八十五 曲突徙薪320

86.Borrowing Light322

八十六 凿壁偷光324

87.Drawing a Tiger like a Dog326

八十七 画虎类犬328

88.Fish in the Cauldron330

八十八 釜底游鱼332

89.Gentleman on the Beam334

八十九 梁上君子336

90.To Cook Chicken with an Ox Cauldron338

九十 牛鼎烹鸡340

91.Welcome with Shoes Fore-side Hind342

九十一 倒屣相迎344

92.Be Bent on Books346

九十二 手不释卷348

93.Praise in the Apricot Orchard350

九十三 杏林春满352

94.The Eggs of an Over-turned Nest354

九十四 覆巢无完卵356

95.Thinking of Plums to Quench Thirst358

九十五 望梅止渴360

96.Burn Beanstalks to Cook Beans362

九十六 煮豆燃萁364

97.The Bow on the Wall,the Snake in the Cup366

九十七 杯弓蛇影368

98.The Finishing Touch of the Dragons Pupils370

九十八 画龙点睛372

99.Please Step into the Vat374

九十九 请君入瓮376

100.Grinding a Pestle into a Needle378

一○○ 磨杵成针380

101.The Girl Zhen Zhen in the Picture382

一○一 画里真真385

102.Tree Down,Monkeys Away388

一○二 树倒猢狲散390



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