《步步高故事英语 英汉对照》求取 ⇩


Part One3

1.The Devil and Tom Walker,Washington Irving3

2.Rappaccini’s Daughter,Nathaniel Hawthorne13

3.The Cask of Amontillado,Edgar Allan he27

4.A Horseman in the Sky,Angus Spills37

5.Bartleby,Herman Melville46

6.Keesh,Jack London55

7.The White Heron,Sarah Orne Jewett63

8.How John Bascole Outsang the Devil?Arthur P.Davies72

9.Judge,Walter D.Edmonds82

10.A Girl for Walter,Theodore Jacophs90

11.The Complaint Manager,Francis B.Majoy98

12.The Gatewood caper,Dashiell Hammett107

13.Girls in Their Summer Dresses,Irwin Shaw116

14.The Stradivarius,Richard Thorman126

15.Man with the Secret,Edward Holmes139

Part Two149

16.The Empty House,Scott B.Smith149

17.The Great Gatsby,F.Scott Fitzgerald157

18.A Rose for Emily,William Faulkner169

19.First Love,Bill Cosby184

Part Three197

20.Cecil Rhodes and the Shark,Mark Twain197

21.In Another Country,Ernest Hemingway212

22.In the Red Room,Paul Bowles224

23.Things to Be Thrown Away,Jonathan Penner245




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