《Table 2 Classification of 147 counties and cities in northeastern three provinces in terms of size

《Table 2 Classification of 147 counties and cities in northeastern three provinces in terms of size   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Suitability Analysis of Scale Management in Northeast China Based on Efficiency Evaluation》

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Note:The data in the table indicate the number of counties and cities;>1,with comparative advantage;<1,without comparative advantage.

The evaluation results of scale,efficiency and comprehensive advantages of grain production at the county scale indicate that the grain production support capacity in Northeast China is significantly affected by the scale advantage.Whether the promotion of scale management can bring higher production efficiency needs to be gradually tested in the course of practice.The land supply in Northeast China has the ability to break through restrictions to a certain extent,so Northeast China can be a priority demonstration area for moderate scale management.