《Table 3 Abandoned farmland area for the duration of abandonment in Qingyun and Wudi counties》

《Table 3 Abandoned farmland area for the duration of abandonment in Qingyun and Wudi counties》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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Figure 7 shows abandonment duration and Table 3 shows abandoned area for different duration.Abandonment duration ranged from 1–15 years over 1992–2017.Long duration abandonment mainly occurred in the northeastern and eastern parts of the study area,whereas duration in the southwest was relatively short.Most abandoned farmland was abandoned for 4 years,with only a small amount abandoned for more than 10 years.The area of farmland abandoned for 1 year was the largest(11,183.67 ha,48.81%of the total abandoned farmland area).Total abandoned farmland area with duration less than 4 years was 20,895.39 ha(91.20%of the total abandoned farmland).