《Table 1 Induction of correspondence of symptoms and herbs》

《Table 1 Induction of correspondence of symptoms and herbs》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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In ancient medical books,there is a diagnosis and treatment mode:“D1,D2…Dn are principal for S1,S2…Sm.”Si represents symptom and Dj represents herb.Therefore,Si and Dj can constitute an m×n cell array,as shown in Table 1.Pursuant to eight classical medical books Golden Cabinet Stored Recipes(Jin Kui Yao Lue,《金匮要略》),Thousands of Golden Prescriptions(Qian Jin Fang,《千金方》),Theory of Spleen and Stomach(Pi Wei Lun,《脾胃论》),Danxi's Experiential Therapy(Dan Xi Xin Fa,《丹溪心法》),Wide Aid Formulas(Bo Ji Fang,《博济方》),Compilation of Jingyue's Works(Jing Yue Quan Shu,《景岳全书》),Compendium of Materia Medica(Ben Cao Gang Mu,《本草纲目》)and Practice Records of Chinese Medicine with Reference to Western Medicine(Yi Xue Zhong Zhong Can Xi Lu,《医学衷中参西录》),the corresponding frequencies of herbs and symptoms are collected,which are standardized as numbers in the interval of[0,1]to approximately match with doctors’engram;furthermore,they are converted to the output Dj through a certain memory function.Owing to the intermediary syndrome differentiation and disease diagnosisprocess,the number of hidden layers is set to 2 with5 nodes in the first hidden layer and 12 nodes in the second.The transfer function of tansig serves as the memory function.The specific syndrome differentiation process and disease diagnosis process are operation processes of functions that can be automatically commanded by the machine through learning.