《英汉实用中医药大全 10 内科学》求取 ⇩


1 Diseases of the Respiratory System1

1.1 Cold1

1.2 Bronchitis9

1.3 Bronchial Asthma18

1.4 Lobar Pneumonia26

1.5 Pulmonary Abscess32

1.6 Obstructive Emphysema39

1.7 Bronchiectasis48

2 Diseases of the Cardio-cerebro-vascular System55

2.1 Rheumatic Heart Disease55

2.2 Coronary Arteriosclerotic Cardiopathy60

2.3 Myocardosis66

2.4 Arrhythmia70

2.5 Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease83

2.6 Congestive Heartfailure90

2.7 Hypertension94

2.8 Hyperlipemia99

2.9 Cerebrovascular Accident104

3 Diseases of the Digestive System116

3.1 Acute/Chronic Gastritis116

3.2 Gastroduodenal Ulcer120

3.3 Non-specific Chronic Ulcerative Colitis126

3.4 Cirrhosis129

3.5 Pancreatitis135

3.6 Cholelithiasis139

4.1 Acute Glomerulon Ephritis144

4 Diseases of the Urinary System144

4.2 Chronic Glomerulon Ephritis148

4.3 Urinary Infection157

4.4 Calculus of the Urinary System162

4.5 Chyluria165

4.6 Enuresis170

5 Diseases of the Blood System174

5.1 Iron-deficiency Anemia174

5.2 Aplastic Anemia178

5.3 Primary Thrombocytopenic Purpura183

5.4 Leukocytopenia188

5.5 Leukemia191

6 Diseases of the Endocrine System199

6.1 Hyperthyroidism199

6.2 Hypothyroidism203

6.3 Diabetes206

7 Collagen Diseases213

7.1 Rheumatic Arthritis213

7.2 Rheumatoid Arthritis222

7.3 Scleroderma228

7.4 Sciatica233

8 Infectious Diseases240

8.1 Pulmonary Tuberculosis240

8.2 Tuberculous Pleurisy247

8.3 Tuberculous Peritonitis251

8.4 Intestinal Tuberculosis254

8.5 Bacillary Dysentery257

8.6 Typhoid Fever and Paratyphoid Fever264

8.7 Amebosis268

8.8 Virus Hepatitis272

8.9 Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever278

8.10 Malaria287

8.11 Undulant Fever294

8.12 Leptospirosis299

8.13 Schistosomiasis304

8.14 Hookworm Disease312

8.15 Filariasis315

8.16 Cestodiasis and Cysticercosis321

8.17 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome327

9 Common Tumors333

9.1 Mammary Cancer333

9.2 Bronchopulmonary Carcinoma338

9.3 Carcinoma of Esophagus344

9.4 Carcinoma of Stomach349

9.5 Primary Liver Cancer356

9.6 Carcinoma of Colon360

Index of Prescriptions368

The English-Chinese Encyclopedia of Practical TCM(Booklist)655

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