《英汉实用中医药大全 5 常用中成药 Commonly used chinese patent medicines》求取 ⇩


1 Drugs for Acting on the Central Nervous System1

1.1 Antiepileptics1

1.2 Antipsychotics4

1.3 Sedative-hypnotics(Drugs for Regulating Nervous System)5

2 Drugs for acting on the Cardiovascular System18

2.1 Drugs for Treating Coronary Heart Disease and Angina18

2.2 Antihypertensives32

2.3 Drugs for Decreasing Blood-lipid37

2.4 Drugs for Treating Cerebrovascular Diseases Zaizao Wao39

3 Drugs for Acting on the Respiratory System46

3.1 Drugs for Removing Phlegm and Cough46

3.2 Antiasthmaties71

4.1 Druss for strengthening Stomach and Promoting Digestion83

4 Drugs for Acting on the Digestive System83

4.2 Druss for Treating Gastric Ulcer104

4.3 Slow-acting Purgative Drugs for109

4.4 Antidiarrheals117

4.5 Choleretics119

4.6 Adjuvant Drugs for Treating Liver Diseases123

5 Drugs for Acting on the Blood and Hematopoietic Systems133

5.1 Drugs for Nourishing Blood133

5.2 Hemostatics139

6 Drugs for Acting on the Urinary System144

6.1 Diuretics144

6.2 Lithagogues150

7 Drugs for Affecting Metabolic Functions155

7.1 Antithyroid Drugs155

7.2 Drugs for Hapoglycemin156

8 Drugs for Antivirus and Antibacteria160

9 Antirheumatics190

10 Antiparasitics218

11 Antineoplastics227

12 Drugs Used in Surgery232

12.1 Drugs Used in Traumatology232

12.2 Drugs Used in Surgery244

12.3 Drugs for Treating Hyperosteogeny257

12.4 Drugs for Treating Hemorrhoid Complicated by Anal262

12.5 Drugs for Treating Burn and Scald265

12.6 Drugs for Treating Snake-bite267

13 Drugs used in the Departments of Obstetrics andGynecology269

13.1 Drugs for Treating Menoxenia Aifu Nuangong Wan269

13.2 Drugs for Treating Leukorrhea285

13.3 Drugs for Treating Diseases in Pregnancy288

13.4 Drugs for Treating Puerperal Diseases291

13.5 Drugs for Treating Miscellaneous Diseases295

14 Drugs Used in the Department of Paediatrics Xiaoer Zhibao Wan303

15 Drugs Used in the Departments of Eye,Ear,Nose and Throat339

15.1 Drugs used in the Department of Ophthalmology Qiju Dihuang Wan339

15.2 Drugs Usde in Ear-Nose-Throat Department Erlong Zuoci Wan346

15.3 Drugs Used in Stomatology Bingpeng San353

16 Drugs Used in the Department of Dermatology358

17 Drugs with Nourishing and Strenthening Effects363

17.1 Drugs for Regulating the Function of the Organism andPreventing Decrepitude363

17.2 Drugs for Treating Sexual Neurasthenia382

18 Other Drugs402

Appendix 2 Index of Chinese Herbal Formulae by MordenMedieine Division426

The English-Chinese Encyclopedia of Practical TCM(Booklist)695

Special Thanks To697

1994《英汉实用中医药大全 5 常用中成药 Commonly used chinese patent medicines》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由徐象才主编 1994 北京:高等教育出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


英汉实用中医药大全  14  骨伤科学(1992 PDF版)
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