《英汉实用中医药大全 20 护理》求取 ⇩


1 Introduction1

1.1 A Brief History of the Development of Traditional ChineseMedicine(TCM) Nursing1

1.2 The Characteristics of TCM Nursing7

1.3 Psychological Nursing13

1.4 Diet Care15

1.5 Nursing in Administration of Herbal Medicine25

2 Nursing in Critical Cases32

2.1 High Fever Nursing32

2.2 Coma Nursing36

2.3 Syncope Nursing39

2.4 Palpitation Nursing42

3 Nursing for Commonly Encountered Medical Diseases46

3.1 Common Cold46

3.2 Dysentery50

3.3 Bronchitis54

3.4 Bronchial Asthma59

3.5 Pulmonary Abscess63

3.6 Hypertension Disease67

3.7 Cerebrovascular Disease70

3.8 Coronary Arteriosclerotic Cardiopathy76

3.9 Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease81

3.10 Acute Gastroenteritis87

3.11 Peptic Ulcerative Disease92

3.12 Urinary Infection95

3.13 Nephritis97

3.14 Urinary Calculus102

3.15 Diabetes105

3.16 Rheumatoid Arthritis108

4.1 Furuncle114

4 Nursing for Commonly Encountered Surgical Diseases114

4.2 Carbuncle117

4.3 Infection of Hand122

4.4 Acute Cellulitis124

4.5 Erysipelas127

4.6 Acute Mastitis130

4 7 Acute Suppurative Infection135

4.8 Gastro-duodenal Ulcer Perforation139

4.9 Acute Appendicitis146

4.10 Intestinal Obstruction151

4.11 Infection of the Biliary Tract and Cholelithiasis156

4.12 Ascariasis of the Biliary Tract162

4.13 Thrombophlebitis(Thrombotic Phlebitis)167

4.14 Thrombosis of Deep Vein of Lower Limbs169

4.15 Varicosis Vein of Lower Limbs173

4.16 Thromboangiitis Obliterans(Buerger s Disease)176

4.17 Atherosclerosis Obliterans187

5 Nursing for Common Gynecologic Diseases193

5.1 Irregular Menstruation193

5.2 Dysmenorrhea202

5.3 Amenorrhea207

5.4 Metrorrhagia and Metrostaxis210

5.5 Menopausal Syndromes216

5.6 Morbid Leukorrhea219

5.7 Vaginitis222

5.8 Morning Sickness226

5.9 Excessive Fetal Movement230

5.10 Eclampsia Gravidarum234

5.11 Heterotopic Pregnancy237

5.12 Postpartum Fever241

5.13 Lochiorrhea245

5.14 Pelvic Inflammation248

5.15 Prolapse of Uterus252

6 Nursing for Paediatric Diseases255

6.1 Nursing Characteristics of Paediatrics255

6.2 Measles259

6.3 Varicella265

6.4 Epidemic Parotitis270

6.5 Epidemic Encephalitis B275

6.6 Scarlet Fever284

6.7 Whooping Cough287

6.8 Paediatric Pneumonia294

6.9 Infantile Bronchial Asthma301

6.10 Stomatitis308

6.11 Infantile Diarrhea311

6.12 Dystrophia320

6.13 Nephrotic Syndrome324

6.14 Enuresis329

The English-Chinese Encyclopedia of Practical TCM (Booklist)529

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