《英汉实用中医药大全 11 外科学》求取 ⇩


1 Etiology and Pathogenesis1

1.1 Etiology1

1.2 Pathogenesis-5

2 Differentiation9

2.1 Differentiation of Yin-syndrome and Yang-syandrone10

2.2 Differentiation of Swelling,Pain,Pus, tching and Channels and Collaterals11

3 Principles of Treatment22

3.1 Internal Treament22

3.2 External Treatment27

4 General Surgical Diseases32

4.1 Boil32

4.2 Carbuncle35

4.3 Acute Phlegmon42

4.4 Erysipelas47

4.5 Hand Infection51

4.6 Acute Lymphangitis57

4.7 Acute Lymphnoditis60

4.8 Acute Pyogenic Parotitis66

4.9 Abscess of Iliac Fossa69

4.10 General Pyogenic Infection74

4.11 Lymphoid Tuberculosis80

4.12 Acute Appendicitis86

5 Mastosis99

5.1 General Statement99

5.2 Gracked Nipple106

5.3 Acute Mastitis108

5.4 Mammary Tuberculosis117

5.5 Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands123

5.6 Intraductal Papilloma129

5.7 Disorder of Mammary Development132

6 Peripheral Vascular Diseases137

6.1 Thromboangiitis Obliterans138

6.2 Arteriosclerosis Obliterans151

6.3 Raynaud s Disease155

6.4 Multiple Aorto-arteritis159

6.5 Venous Thrombosis and Thrombopblebitis163

7.1 Balanoposthitis173

7 Diseases of Male External Genitalia173

7.2 Induration of Penis177

7.3 Hydrocele of Tunica Vaginalis180

7.4 Epididymitis187

7.5 Tuberculosis of Epididymis191

7.6 Chronic Prostatitis196

7.7 Hyperplasia of Prostate202

8 Other Surgical Disorders211

8.1 Burn211

8.2 Cold Injury224

8.3 Thyroid Adenoma228

8.4 Ulcer of Lower Limbs231

Index of Prescreption237

The English-Chinese Encyclopedia of Practical TCM(Booklist)407

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