《英语应用文大全》求取 ⇩


(一) 书信的结构(Structure of a Letter)1

1. 信端(Heading)1

(1) 并列式(Block Form)2

(2) 斜列式(Indented Form)2

2. 信内地址(Inside Address, Introductory Address)4

3. 称呼(Salutation)4

4. 信的正文(Body of the Letter)7

5. 结束语(Complimentary Close)7

6. 签名(Signature)9

7. 附件(Enclosure,缩写:Encl. 或Enc.)10

8. 再启(Postscript,缩写:P.S.)10

(二) 信件行文的格式(Layout of a Letter)10

(三) 信封的写法(Superscription)11

1. 并列式(Block Form)11

2. 斜列式(Indented Form)14

(四) 信件开头的某些常用语句(Commonly--Used Opening Sentences of Letters)19

(五) 信件结尾的某些常用语句(Commonly--Used Closing Sentences of Letters)21

(六) 信件实例(Sample Letter)26

1. 事务信件(Business Letter)26

要求参观科技发明展览(Asking to Visit an Exhibition on Scientific and Technological Inventions)26

2. 私人信件(Private Letter)29

给老师的信(Letter to One s Teacher)29

3. 其它信件(Other Letters)31

(1) 介绍信(Letter of Introduction)32

1) 单位介绍信(Official Letter of Introduction)32

2) 私人介绍信(Private Letter of Introduction)34

(2) 证明书(Certificate)38

1) 身份证明书(Identity Certificate)39

2) 学历证明书(Schooling Certificate)39

3) 体格检查证明书(Certificate of Physical Examination)41

4) 医生证明书(Doctor s Certificate)41

5) 病假证明书(Certificate for Sick Leave)42

6) 预防注射证明书(Certificate of Inoculation)42

7) 结婚证书(Marriage Lines)43

8) 毕业证书(Graduation Certificate)43

9) 硕士学位证书(Certificate for the Degree of Master)44

10) 学士学位证书(Certificate for the Degree of Bachelor)45

11) 奖状(Certificate of Merit)46

12) 退休证书(Retirement Certificate)47

13) 有关经济来源的证明信(Letter Providing Evidence of Financial Sources)48

(3) 申请书(Letter of Application)50

1) 报考研究生申请书(Application for a Position in the Research Student Department)及附有关信件(With Related Correspondence Attached)50

附Ⅰ. 对上述信件的答复(Reply to the Above Letter)52

附Ⅱ. 感谢寄来有关报考的资料(Letter of Thanks for Application Materials)54

附Ⅲ. 欢迎入学(Welcome to Our School)56

2) 求职申请书(Letter of Application for a Position)57

3) 入会申请书(Application to Join a Society)58

(4) 请求别人写推荐信(Letter Asking for a Reference)60

(5) 推荐信(Letter of Recommendation)63

(6) 表扬信(Letter of Commendation)68

(7) 感谢信(Letter Expressing Gratitude)70

(8) 慰问信(Letter of Consolation)72

(9) 恭贺信(Letter of Congratulations)72

1) 祝贺友人当选系主任(Letter Congratulating a Friend on His Election to Deanship)72

2) 祝贺友人高考胜利(Letter Congratulating a Friend on His Success in College Entrance Examination)74

3) 祝贺友人被评选为先进工作者(Letter Congratulating a Friend on His Citation as an Advanced Worker)75

4) 祝贺友人研究生院毕业(Letter Congratulating a Friend on His Graduation from Graduate School)76

5) 祝贺友人荣获理学博士学位(Letter Congratulating a Friend on His Attainment of the Degree of Doctor of Science)77

6) 祝贺友人发表科技作品(Letter Congratulating a Friend on the Publication of His Science Book)79

7) 祝贺友人获得科技发明奖(Letter Congratulating a Friend on His Winning an Award of Scientific Invention)80

(10) 邀请信(Letter of Invitation)82

(11) 接受邀请的复函(Reply Expressing Acceptance of an Invitation)83

(12) 谢绝邀请的复函(Reply Expressing Refusal of an Invitation)85

(13) 恳求帮助信(Letter Containing a Request for a Favour)86

(14) 表示愿意相助的复函(Favourable Reply Expressing Willingness to Grant a Favour)89

(15) 聘请外国专家信(Letter for Engaging a Foreign Expert)及附有关来往信件(With Related Correspondence Attached)93

附Ⅰ. 对上述信件的答复(Reply to the Above Letter)94

附Ⅱ. 感谢接受邀请的信(Letter of Thanks for Acceptanceof an Invitation)96

附Ⅲ. 告知来校时旅途计划信(Letter about One s Plan of Travelling to School)98

附Ⅳ. 欢迎外国专家来校工作信(Letter Expressing Welcome to a Foreign Expert)99

(16) 要求提供某教师情况的信(Letter Asking for Information about a Teacher)100

(17) 对上述信件的复函(Reply to the Above Letter)101

(18) 要求出席国际科学讨论会并宣读论文(Request to Be Present and Read Out a Paper at an International Symposium)103

(19) 询问书籍出版的信(Letter of Inquiry about the Publication of Books)106

(20) 对上述信件的复函(Reply to the Above Letter)107

(21) 订购信(Order Letter)109

(22) 告知收到订货信(Letter Acknowledging the Receipt of Ordered Goods)110

(23) 要求刊登推销商品的广告(Letter to a Newspaper for Advertizing Goods)111

(24) 索取样品(Letter Requesting Samples)113

(25) 订购确认(Letter Confirming an Order)116

(26) 要求保险货物(Request to Insure Goods)117

(27) 续订杂志(Renewing a Subscription to a Magazine)119

(28) 预订旅馆房间(Booking a Room in a Hotel)120

(29) 因遗失行李致长沙火车站的信(Letter to the Changsha Railway Station Concerning Lost Luggage)121

(30) 对上述信件的复函(Reply to the Above Letter)122

(31) 规劝信(Letter Offering Advice)123

(32) 致歉信(Letter Tendering Apologies)125

(33) 检讨信(Letter of Self-Criticism)126

(34) 检举信(Letter of Accusation)127


1. 请病假(Asking for Sick Leave)130

2. 请事假(Asking for Business Leave)130

3. 要求续假(Asking for an Extension of Leave)131

4. 邀友来访(Asking a Friend to Call)132

5. 对上述留言的复条(Reply to the Foregoing)132

6. 转告电话(Transmitting a Telephone Message)133

7. 与同事约会(Making an Appointment with a Colleague)133

8. 推迟会议(Putting Off a Meeting)134

9. 请医生(Asking a Doctor to Come)134

10. 请示介绍(Requesting an Introduction)135

11. 感谢条(Note of Thanks)135

12. 要求借钱(Asking for a Loan)136

13. 要求借物(Requesting to Borrow Something)136

14. 同意借给友人英文打字机(Placing an English Typewriter at the Service of a Friend)137

15. 请求还物(Asking for the Return of Something)138

16. 请求修理水管(Request for Repairing the Water Pipe)138

17. 请求修理房屋(Request for Repairing the House)139

18. 请求修理电话机(Asking to Mend the Telephone Machine)140

19. 订购飞机票(Booking a Plane Ticket)141

20. 订购汽车票(Booking a Bus Ticket)142

21. 请友人来观看运动会(Asking a Friend to Be Present at a Sports Meet)142

22. 对上条的答复(Reply to the Above)143

23. 赠物条(Presenting a Gift)144

24. 感谢友人赠物(Ackowledging a Present from a Friend)145

25. 邀请友人来家吃便饭(Asking a Friend to Come for Potluck)145

26. 对上条的答复(Reply to the Above)146

27. 邀友郊游(Asking a Friend to Join an Outing)147

28. 约友人观看京剧(Making an Appointment with a Friend to Watch Bejing Opera Performance)148

29. 黑板留言(Note on the VisitorsBoard)148

30. 辞行留言(Note for Saying Good-Bye)149

三、请柬、名片、赠物卡片、祝贺新年片和圣诞节片(Invitation Card, Visting Card, Card with Accompanying Gift, New Year Card and Christmas Card)150

1. 出席招待会的请柬(Invitation to a Reception)151

2. 出席杂技表演的请柬(Invitation to an Acrobatic Performance)151

3. 出席晚会的正式请柬(Formal Invitation to an Evening Party)152

4. 出席宴会的请柬(Invitation to a Dinner Party)153

5. 出席除夕联欢的请柬(Invitation to New Year s Eve Party)154

6. 接受上述邀请的正式回柬(Formal Reply to Accept the Above Invitation)155

7. 谢绝上述邀请的正式回柬(Formal Reply to Deeline the Above Invitation)155

8. 参加婚礼的请柬(Invitation to Attend a Wedding)156

9. 茶会请柬(Invitation to a Tea Party)157

10. 舞会请柬(Invitation to a Dance)158

11. 名片(Visiting Card)159

12. 赠物卡片(Card with Accompanying Gift)163

13. 祝贺新年片和圣诞节片(New Year Card and Christmas Card)165

四、单据和表格(Bill and Form)168

1. 借条(Form of I.O.U.)168

2. 欠条(I.O.U.Form)169

3. 收条(Form of Receipt)171

4. 发票(Invoice)172

5. 订阅单(Subscription Form)173

6. 订票单(Ticket Order Form)174

7. 成绩通知书(Grade Report)174

8. 病历表(Case History Form)177

9. 履历表(Resume)179

10. 外国人入境过境签证申请表(Alien s Application Form for Entry or Transit Visa)181

11. 交换学者及留学生资料(Scholar--Researcher--Student Data Sheet)184

12. 护照(Passport)187

13. 中国国际旅行社旅行委托书(China International Travel Service Booking Form)191

14. 外国人临时住宿登记表(Registration Form of Temporary Residence for Foreigner)193

15. 旅客须知(For the Guest s Information)194

16. 征求旅客意见表(Form Seeking Comments and Suggestions from Guests)197

17. 保险单(Policy)200

18. 收款清单(Account Note)202

19. 服务费收据(Receipt for Service Charge)203

20. 游览守则(Guide to Visitors)204

21. 菜单(Menu)206

(1) 中餐(Chinese Food)206

(2) 西餐(Western Food)208


1. 遗失启事(Lost)210

2. 寻人启事(Child Lost)211

3. 招领启事(Found)212

4. 迁移启事(Removal)212

5. 换房启事(For an Exchange of Houses)213

6. 征稿启事(Contributions Wanted)213

7. 征求读者意见启事(Notice Soliciting Opinions from Readers)217

8. 鸣谢启事(Acknowledgements)218

9. 更正启事(Corrections)218

10. 招标启事(Invitation to Bid)219

11. 租赁游艇注意事项(Conditions for Hiring Pleasure Boats)223

12. 征婚启事(Seeking a Spouse)224

13. 订婚启事(Notice of Engagement)225

14. 结婚启事(Announcement of Marriage)226


1. 开会通知(Meeting Notice)228

2. 原子能讲座通知(Notice about a Speech on Atomic Energy)229

3. 报告会延期通知(Notice to Put Off a Report Meeting)230

4. 启用新的行车时间表通知(Notice Announcing a New Timetable Coming into Effect)230

5. 举行英语晚会通知(Notice on an English Evening)231

6. 关于举行英语公开课的通知(Notice on an Open English Class)231

7. 订阅报刊通知(Notice About the Subscription to Newspapers and Magazines)232

8. 关于组织参观的通知(Notice of a Visit)233

9. 选举结果公告(Proclamation of Election Results)233

10. 任命通知(Notice of Appointment)234

11. 免职通知(Notice of Dismissal)234

12. 决定通知(Notice of a Decision)235

13. 关于电梯暂停使用的通知(Notice about the Temporary Suspension of Lift Service)235

14. 放假通知(Notice Giving a Holiday)236

15. 通告(Notice)236


1. 篮球友谊赛(Friendly Basketball Martch)239

2. 足球赛(Football Match)240

3. 电影消息(Film News)240

4. 本周影讯(This Week s Film)241

5. 精彩杂技演出(Excellent Acrobatic Performance)242

6. 电视节目预告(Advance Notice of T.V.Program)243

7. 文艺汇演节目单(A Programme of Entertainment)245

8. 英语演讲比赛(English-Speaking Contest)247

9. 春风公园正式开放(Formal Opening of Spring Wind Park)248

10. 商品大拍卖(Clearance Sales)249

八、广播通知(Broadcast Announcement)250

1. 火车离站广播通知(Announcing the Departure of a Train)250

2. 紧急开会通知(Urgent Announcement of a Meeting)250

3. 天气预报(Weather forecast)251

4. 强台风警报(Strong Typhoon Warning)252

5. 扑灭山火紧急通知(Urgent Notice to Put Out a Forest Fire)252

6. 飞机误点通知(Late Arrival of a Plane)253

7. 飞机发动机发生故障的通知(Engine Trouble of a Plane)253

8. 飞机着陆通知(Landing of a Plane)253

9. 北京电台英语广播节目(An English Program of Radio Beijing)254

10. 英语晚会报幕员讲话(Remarks of an Announcer at an English Evening)258

11. 给顾客的通知(Announcement to Customers)260

九、会议记录格式(Meeting Minutes Forms)261

1. 科技专家座谈会记录(Minutes of a Seminar of Scientists and Technicians)261

2. ××大学天文物理学学会理事会理事年会记录(Minutes of an Annual Meeting of Council Members of the Astophysics Society of ××University)266

十、科技书籍和论文写作(Writing of Science Books and Papers)270

1. 科技书籍的主要项目(Main Items of Books of Science and Technology)270

(1) 书名(Title of the Book)270

(2) 作者姓名(Name of the Author)270

(3) 出版社名称(Name of the Publishing House or the Publisher)270

(4) 出版日期(Date of Publication)270

(5) 出版社按语(The Publisher s Note)270

(6) 引言(Foreword, Preface)270

(7) 目录(Contents)270

(8) 正文(Text)270

(9) 索引(Index)270

(10) 附件或补遗(Appendix or Supplement)270

(11) 参考用书目录(List of Reference Books or Bibliography)270

(12) 后记(Afterword)270

(13) 致谢语(Acknowledgement)270

2. 科技论文摘要的撰写(Writing of the Abstract of a Science Paper)275

(1) 经典弹性理论中的接触问题(Contact Problems in the Classical Theory of Elasticity)277

(2) 工程金属的用途(Use of Engineering Metals)277

(3) 理论科学和应用科学(Pure and applied Science)278

(4) 农业机械化发展前景(Probable Development of Agricultural Mechanization)280

十一、剧情介绍、日记、游记、传记、自述、自传、简介(Synopsis, Diary, Travels, Biography, Personal Statement, Autobiography, Short Guide)283

1. “白毛女”剧情介绍(A Synopsis of “the White--Haried Girl”)283

2. 学生日记一则(A Page from a Student s Diary)286

3. 衡山游记(Traveling to Mount Hengshan)287

4. 艾伯特·爱因斯坦小传(A Brief Account of Albert Einstein)290

5. 自述(Personal Statement)293

6. 林肯自传(Lincoln s Autobiography)296

7. ××师范学院简介(A Short Guide to ××TeachersCollege)299

十二、书刊介绍(Review of Books or Magazines)304

1. 建筑物的空气调节与通风(Airconditioning and Ventilation of Buildings)304

2. 英语教学(English Language Teaching)306

3. 日出(Sunrise)308

4. 英语口语(Conversational English)310

5. 人民中国(People s China)311

6. 中国文学(Chinese Literature)312

十三、各种会议上的讲话(Speeches at Various Meetings)314

1. 学术讨论会上的开幕词(Opening Speech at a Seminar)314

2. 在科技代表会议上的闭幕词(Closing Speech at a Science Conference)316

3. 在欢迎客座教授讲演会上的欢迎词(Welcoming Speech at a Meeting in Honour of a Visiting Professor)318

4. 在欢迎会上的答词(Answering Speech at a Welcome Meeting)319

5. 欢送词(Send--Off Speech)321

6. 告别词(Farewell Speech)323

7. 硕士学位答辩会议议程(Agenda for Oral Examination of Candidates for Master s Degree)325

8. 各种会议用语(Remarks Used at Various Meetings)326

(1) 宣布开会的用语(Expressions Used to Declare a Meeting Open)326

(2) 表示欢迎的用语(Expressions to Extend Welcome)327

(3) 表示感谢情意的用语(Ways of Expressing Gratitude)328

(4) 请人讲话或提意见的用语(Expressions Used to Ask Someone to Speak or Give Advice)330

(5) 告别用语(Expressions Used in Bidding Farewell)331

十四、公约、规则、协议书(Pact, Rules and Agreement)333

1. 公约(Pact)333

服务公约(Service Pact)333

2. 规则(Rules)335

(1) 阅览室规则(Rules of the Reading Room)336

(2) 学生守则(Rules for Students)337

(3) 党政干部三大纪律和八项注意(The Three Main Rules of Discipline and the Eight Points for Attention for Party and Government Cadres)338

3. 协议书(Agreement)339

(1) 中华人民共和国湖南省××工业大学和美利坚合众国科罗拉多州××理工学院关于科学技术交流与合作的协定340

(2) 关于修建旅游宾馆的协议书(Agreement on Building a Tourist Hotel)343

(3) 中华人民共和国政府和××共和国政府贸易议定书(Trade Protocol Between the Government of the People s Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of ××)346

(4) 聘约合同(Contract of Employment)348

(5) 延长聘期合同(Extension of Employment Contract)353

(6) 成交确认书(Sales Confirmation)354


1. 公报(Communique)357

(1) 中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国关于建立外交关系的联合公报(Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between the People s Republic of China and the United States of America)357

(2) 第六届全国人民代表大会第一次会议新闻公报(Press Communique of the First Session of the Sixth National People s Congress)359

2. 条约(Treaty)361

中华人民共和国和日本国和平友好条约(Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between the People s Republic of China and Japan)361

3. 命令(Order)366

(1) 中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长令(Decree of the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People s Congress of The Pepople s Republic of China)366

(2) 向前线指挥员和战斗员的命令(Order to the Commanders and Fighters on the Front)367

十六、商标、广告、商品使用说明书、产品合格证(Brand, Advertisement, Directions and Qualification card)369

1. 商标(Brand)369

(1) 白鹤牌铅笔(White Crane Pencils)369

(2) 长城牌地毯(“Great Wall”Brand Carpets)370

2. 广告(Advertisement)371

(1) 中国日报(China Daily)371

(2) 中国电视服务公司(China Television Service)373

(3) 翻译服务社(Translation Service Centre)374

(4) 长沙广告公司(Changsha Advertising Corporation)376

3. 商品使用说明书(Directions for Use)378

(1) 凤凰牌双轮手扶拖拉机(Phoenix Brand Two--Whell Hand Tractor)378

(2) 叉车(Fork Lift Truck)380

(3) 牡丹牌648型收音机说明书(“PEONY” Mondel 648 Radio Receiver Instructions)382

(4) 星光牌电视机使用说明书(Star Light Brand Television Operation Guide)387

(5) 微型电子计算机使用说明书(Miniature Electronic Calculator Operational Manual)392

(6) 安替司丁使用说明书(ANTISTINE:Directions for Use)397

4. 产品合格证(Qualification Card)399

春波牌冰箱(Spring Wave Brand Refrigerator)400

十七、讣告、唁函、悼词(Obituary Notice, Letter of Condolences, Memorial Speech)402

1. 讣告(Obituary Notice)402

2. 唁函(Letter of Condolences)403

3. 悼词(Memorial Speech)405

十八、备忘录、报告书、总结、计划(Memorandum, Report, Summary, Plan)408

1. 备忘录(Memorandum or Memo)408

(1) 致外事处长的备忘录(Memorandum to the Director of the Foreign Affairs Office)409

(2) 关于需要录音机的备忘录(Memorandum on the Need of a Recording Machine)411

(3) 请领打字机的备忘录(Memo on Tyewriter)412

2. 报告书(Report)413

(1) 实地调查报告(Field Report)414

(2) 调查报告(Investigation Report)415

3. 总结(Summary)416

西声外语学会年度工作总结(Annual Summing--Up Report of the Season Foreign Languages Society)416

4. 计划(Plan)420

教学计划(A Sample Teaching Plan)420

十九、外交公函(Diplomatic Correspondence)426

1. ××国大使向××国主席递交国书时所致颂词(Speech Delivered by the Ambassador of ×× Country upon Presenting His Letter of Credence to the Chairman of ×× Country)426

2. 国书(Letter of Credence)427

3. ××国总统在接受××国大使递交国书时所作的答词(Reply of the President of ×× Country upon Receiving the Letter of Credence from the Ambassador of ×× Country)429

4. ××国特命全权大使×××致中华人民共和国外交部长的信(Letter of ×××, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of ×× Country to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People s Republic of China)430

5. ××国临时代办致××国外交大臣的信(Lette of Chargéd Affairs ad Interim of ×× Country to the Foreign Affairs Secretary of ×× Country)431

6. 美国大使馆文化参赞致中国外交部礼宾司司长的信(Letter of the Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of U.S.A. to the Chief of the Protocol Department of the Foreign Ministry of China)432

7. ××国驻华特命全权大使致××国驻华特命全权公使的信(Letter of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of ×× Country to China to Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of ×× Country to China)433

8. 对上述信件的复函(Reply to the Above Letter)435

9. 土耳其共和国大使馆致中华人民共和国外交部领事司照会(Note of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey to the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People s Republic of China)436

10. 西班牙大使馆致加拿大大使馆照会(Note of the Embassy of the State of Spain to the Embassy of Canada)437

11. 中华人民共和国政府声明(Statement of the Government of the People s Republic of China)439

12. 中华人民共和国政府关于中国与××国关系原则致×× 国政府的备忘录(Memorandum from the Government of the People s Repulblic of China to the Government of ×× Country Concerning the Principles Cuiding China s Relations with ×× Country)441

13. 关于外交公函的说明(Notes on Diptomatic Correspondence)443

(1) 信端(Heading)443

(2) 称呼用语(Salutation)444

(3) 正文(Body)445

(4) 签署(Signature)445

(5) 收文人的姓名、头衔、地址(Introductory Address)445



1. 公共揭示用语(Public Signs)452

2. 公共场所名称(Names of Public Places)460

3. 列队训练用语(Terms Used for Rank Formation Drills)462

4. 黑板报用语(Expressions Used for Blackboard News)464

5. 学校开设的学科名称(Names of Subjects Studied at School)465

6. 各类学校名称(Names of Various Kinds of Schools)468

7. 科学研究机构名称(Names of Institutes of Scientific Research)472

8. 学校和科研机构人员职称(Titles of Personnel Working in Schools and Research Institutes)473

9. 常见企业、商店名称(Names of Common Enterprises and Stores)475

(1) 企业名称(Names of Enterprises)475

(2) 商店名称(Names of Shops)478

10. 中国共产党和各民主党派(The Chinese Communist Party and the Democratic Parties)480

11. 中央国家机关名称(Names of the Organizations of the Central Authorities)481

12. 中国主要群众组织名称(Names of Major Mass Organizations of China)482

13. 国务院所属各部、委、局的名称(Names of the Ministries, Commissions and Bureaus Under the State Council)483

参考书刊目录(List of Reference Books and Periodicals)487

1987《英语应用文大全》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由廖世翘编著 1987 北京:机械工业出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


四川泸州方言研究(1997 PDF版)
1997 洪叶文化事业有限公司
应用文大全(1984 PDF版)
英汉对照  应用文大全(1984年01月第1版 PDF版)
英汉对照 应用文大全
1984年01月第1版 江苏科学技术出版社
应用英文大全( PDF版)
应用英语(1999 PDF版)
1999 汕头:汕头大学出版社
美国法精要  合同法:英文(1999 PDF版)
美国法精要 合同法:英文
1999 北京:法律出版社
现代汉语虚词词典(1998 PDF版)
1998 上海:上海辞书出版社
英语应用文(1984 PDF版)
1984 上海:上海教育出版社
英语实用文大全(1996 PDF版)
1996 成都:电子科技大学出版社
新编英语应用文大全(1998 PDF版)
1998 北京:机械工业出版社
应用文大全(1984 PDF版)
1984 上海:学林出版社
英语应用文(1990 PDF版)
1990 北京:地震出版社
英汉对照应用文大全(1984 PDF版)
1984 南京:江苏科学技术出版社
英语应用文(1980 PDF版)
1980 长沙:湖南教育出版社
应用英文大全(1977 PDF版)
1977 读者文摘远东有限公司