《Table 3 Examples of three-dimensional research systems utilized for cancer and stem cell cancer stu

《Table 3 Examples of three-dimensional research systems utilized for cancer and stem cell cancer stu   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Three-dimensional cell culture systems as an in vitro platform for cancer and stem cell modeling》

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Comparisons of 3D spheroid culture models and 2D monolayer cell culture models were shown in Table 1.Numerous studies have proven the differences in cell viability,morphology,proliferation,differentiation,cellular responses to stimuli,cellcell communication,cell stiffness,migrant and invasive properties of tumor cells into surrounding tissues,angiogenesis stimulation and immune system evasion,drugresponses,transcriptional and translational gene expression,general cell function,and in vivo relevance between cells cultured in 2D and 3D models.For example,cell polarization could be more accurate depicted in 3D cell cultures models unlike in 2D models in which the cells can only be partially polarized.Moreover,greater stability and longer lifespans were found in 3D culture models;3D spheroids can be cultured up to 3 wk,whereas 2D monolayer culture can last for less than a week due to the limitation of cell confluence[33].Therefore,3D cell culture models might be more appropriate for handling the long-term experiments and for determining long-term effects of the drug on cellular responses.