《Table3Contam ination situation ofm ycotoxins in CHMs and related preparations》

《Table3Contam ination situation ofm ycotoxins in CHMs and related preparations》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《"Extrinsic harmful residues in Chinese herbal medicines: types,detection, and safety evaluation"》

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Due to the various components of CHMs,different types of toxins easily occur in different CHM groups.Grains,seeds,and animal medicines are prone to AFs contamination because they are rich in grease.Related studies have found that the lotus seeds,coix seeds,peach seeds,platycladi seeds,Chinese dodder seeds,anise and other medicinal seeds have Aspergillus flavus contamination(Chen,Jiao,Hu,Lu,&Gao,2015;Kong et al.,2014;Liu et al.,2013),and Pheretima tschiliensis was susceptible to the AFs contamination(Yang et al.,2012).Although AFs detected in CHMs are relatively rare in batches,the contamination sometimes shows high levels,so there is still a big risk to human health.Nineteen kinds of CHMs are regulated in AFs testing in the 2015 edition of Ch P,18 of which are fruits,seeds and animal medicines.In addition,OTA,fumonisin,DON,and ZON mostly occur in cereals,nuts and legumes CHMs.The mycotoxin test in coix seeds found that the ZON contamination rate was high,and 55.6%exceeded the limit of the Chinese regulated standards(Zhang et al.,2011).The acidic fruits of CHMs are easily contaminated by Penicillium fungi during the processing,therefore,in such CHMs the patulin and citrinin should be supervised.