《Table 2 Proximate composition of 14 different potato cultivars (%)》

《Table 2 Proximate composition of 14 different potato cultivars (%)》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Nutritional evaluation of different cultivars of potatoes(Solanum tuberosum L.) from China by grey relational analysis(GRA) and its application in potato steamed bread making》

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Data are expressed on a dry weight except for moisture content.Data are mean±SD.Different letters within one column denote statistically significant differences(P<0.05)by ANOVA and Duncan’s test.

The proximate composition of 14 potato cultivars was shown in Table 2.The results indicated that the moisture content was significantly different among the 14 cultivars,which ranged from 76.96%(Neida 35)to 85.77%(Favorita),and the average moisture content was 82.59%.Starch was the predominant component of 14 potato cultivars.Some studies also indicated that the majority of the carbohydrates in potatoes is starch,however,some of which is resistant starch(RS)that is not rapidly digested like normal starch and provides important health benefits,such as increase satiety,improve glucose tolerance and glycemic control.Our study showed that Neida 35 had the highest starch content(67.83%DW),while Neida 28 exhibited the lowest value(57.42%DW).Protein contents differed significantly among 14 potato cultivars(P<0.001)(Table 2) .Neida 34showed the highest protein level(14.10%DW),while Favorita showed the lowest level(10.88%DW),the average protein content was 11.89%DW.Fat contents ranged from 0.10%DW(Neida 10)to 0.73%DW(Neida 7),and the average content was 0.30%DW.Crude fiber contents were in the range of 1.60%to 2.35%DW,and the average content was 1.85%DW.