《Table 1 Comparison of single plant yield among different olive cultivars》

《Table 1 Comparison of single plant yield among different olive cultivars》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Comparison of Fruit Traits and Yield among Different Olive Cultivars》

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As shown in Table 1,there were differences in the fruiting time and yield among the four olive cultivars.Leccino began to bear fruit four years after the planting,and the average annual yield of single plants was 621 g.However,Hojiblanca and Koroneiki began to bear fruit after one year,and Arbequina began to bear fruit after two years,showing early maturing property.The average annual yield of single plants of Arbequina was highest,which was four times that of Leccino.The average annual yield of single plants of Koroneiki was three times that of Leccino.The average annual yield of single plants of Hojiblanca was 83.9%higher than that of Leccino.Among the four olive cultivars,the average single plant annual yields ranked as Arbequina>Koroneiki>Hojiblanca>Leccino.