《Table 2.Ellipse parameters for diurnal (Q1, O1, P1, K1) and semidiurnal (N2, M2, K2, S2) harmonic c

《Table 2.Ellipse parameters for diurnal (Q1, O1, P1, K1) and semidiurnal (N2, M2, K2, S2) harmonic c   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Temperature variability caused by internal tides in the coastal waters of east coast of Peninsular Malaysia》

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Note:Amp represents amplitude in m/s,Pha phase in degree(°)and Ecc eccentricity of tidal ellipse.

The main datasets used in this present study came from mooring data deployed in the coastal region of ECPM(5°26.571′N,103°9.636′E),with a depth of less than 20 m:Station A(Fig.1).Measurements of current velocities,pressure,and near-bottom temperatures were collected using Acoustic Wave and Current Profiler(AWAC)deployed at the coastal area of ECPM recording at 5 min intervals.Observations at Station A were carried out during the southwest monsoon season from May to August(MJJA)in2013 to 2015(Table 1).