《Table 6Pairwise statistical correlation between ARGs of H.parasuis strains.》

《Table 6Pairwise statistical correlation between ARGs of H.parasuis strains.》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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Previous studies have demonstrated that the mechanisms of associations between resistance genes can be confirmed by molecular investigations[45,46].An increased level of associations between resistance genes may result from the co-location of resistance genes on a single mobile genetic element such as a plasmid,transposon,or integron[43,47,48].Our results showed many strong associations among ARGs which aligns with the opinion that there might be a linkage between many of these resistance genes on mobile elements.This opinion agrees with the results of a study by Rosengren et al.[31],which reported that qnrB1had an increased association with eight other ARGs including rmtB,qnrA1,lnu(C),catl,int,tetA,tetB,and tetH.In addition,associations between sulI and lnu(C),and between sulII and tetA,are parts of integrons;the association between tetB and tetH is a requirement for the high frequency of strains resistant to CTET.The results strongly support the finding that the resistance genes are associated with a mobile DNA,such as plasmids and transposons,which enables horizontal gene spreading.Strong associations between the phenotypes and genotypes of AMR were found in our study,such as between GEN and rmtD,CFX and blaROB-1,and CHL and int,indicating that the resistance to a given antimicrobial was caused in some cases by a single gene.This finding is similar to the results of previous studies[30,31].However,interestingly,we found that some strains possessed resistance phenotypes but did not have the corresponding ARGs and vice versa;for example,some strains showed resistance to AMX,but did not carry any corresponding genes.This finding is similar to the results reported by Rosengren et al.[31].A possible explanation is that resistance phenotypes can be expressed upon the stimulation of many different genetic factors,and that each factor may present a unique epidemiological character[23,49].Thus,the mechanisms of AMR in H.parasuis isolates from swine produced in Vietnam deserve further investigation.