《Table 3 Values of k and n》

《Table 3 Values of k and n》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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As mentioned in section 2.2.1,the flow stress for the maximum softening rate(σ*)and critical stress(σc)can also be obtained from theθ-σcurve.And then,ε*andεc can be determined from the true stress-strain curves,which are listed in Table 2.It can be found that the values ofεc decrease with the increase of deformation temperature,indicating that the DRX behavior occurs easily at the higher deformation temperature.Such phenomenon is related to the lower driving force and higher mobility of grain boundaries at the higher deformation temperature[39].On the other hand,the values ofεc decrease with the decrease of strain rate,indicating that the DRX behavior occurs easily at the lower strain rate.This is because that there is enough time for energy accumulation to reduce the driving force under the lower strain rate[40].