Introduction&Sidney M.Cantor,Sidney M.Cantor Associates,Ardmore,Pa.1

The Role of Sugar in the Food Industry&Robert H.Cotton,Paul A.Rebers,J.E.Maudru,and Guy Rorabaugh,Research Department,Holly Sugar Corp.,Colorado Springs,Colo.3

Starches in the Food Industry&Thomas John Schoch and Albert L.Elder,George M.Moffett Research Laboratories,Corn Products Refining Co.,Argo,Ill.21

Liquid Sugar in the Food Industry&Paul R.Davis and Richard N.Prince,California and Hawaiian Sugar Refining Corp.,Crockett,Calif.35

Starch Hydrolyzates in the Food Industry&George T.Peckham,Jr.,Clinton Foods,Inc.,Clinton,Iowa43

Pectic Substances in the Food Industries&Glenn H.Joseph.Research Department,Sunkist Growers,Inc.,Corona,Calif.49

Carbahydrates in Confections&Justin J.Alikonis,Paul F.Beich Co.,Bloomington,Ill.57

Sugar in Confectionery&L.F.Martin,Sugarcane Products Division,Southern Regional Research Laboratory,New Orleans,La.64

Sugar and Other Carbohydrates in Carbonated Beverages&Claude Gortatowsky,The Coca-Cola Co.,Atlanta,Ga.70

Sugars in the Canning of Fruits and Vegetables&P.W.Alston,Spreckels Sugar Co.,2 Pine St.,San Francisco,Calif.75

Sugars in the Baking Industry&Sylvan Eisenbera,Chemistry Department,University of San Francisco,San Francisco,Calif.78

Sugar and Other Carbohydrates in Meat Processing&H.R.Kraybill,American Meat Institute Foundation,and Department of Biochemistry,The University of Chicago,Chicago,Ill.83

Sugar in Frozen Foods&William F.Talburt,Western Regional Research Laboratory,Albany,Calif.89

Effecs of Carbohydrates and Other Factors on Color Loss in Strawberry Products&E.Everett Meschter,The American Preserve Co.,Philadelphia,Pa.95

Role of Carbohydrates in Infant Feeding&L.Emmett Holt,Jr.,New York University College of Medicine,New York 16,N.Y.104

Role of Sweeteners in Food Flavor&Loren B.Sjostrom and Stanley E.Cairncross,Arthur D.Little,Inc.,Cambridge,Mass.108

Sugars in Human Nutrition&Robert C.Hockett,72 Howell Ave.,Larchmont,N.Y.114

Sugars in Standardized Foods&Bernard L.Oser,Food Research Laboratories,Inc.,Long Island City,N.Y.125

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