《Table 9 Predictive factors for complete pathological response in multivariate logistic regression a

《Table 9 Predictive factors for complete pathological response in multivariate logistic regression a   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Nomograms for predicting pathological response to neoadjuvant treatments in patients with rectal cancer》

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TL:Tumor length;MRF:Mesorectal fascia.

pCR patients and non-pCR patients did not differ significantly in terms of gender,BMI,CEA,NLR,HB,PLT,ApoA1,ApoB,cT,cN,or TCE in the univariate analysis(P>0.05);however,significant differences were found for age,tumor differentiation,TL,DTAV,MRF status,interval,and NT regimen(Table 1).Statistically significant factors in the univariate logistic regression analysis(P≤0.05)to predict pCR were entered into a multivariate analysis,in which NT regimen types(a P<0.05),tumor differentiation(b P<0.05),TL(c P<0.05),and MRF status(d P<0.05)were significantly associated with pCR probability(Table 2).For the NT regimens,the odds ratio(OR)was 5.339[95%confidence interval(CI):2.394-11.903]for the mFOLFOX6-RT regimen compared with the capecitabine/deGramont-RT regimen.The mFOLFOX6 regimen and capecitabine/deGramont-RT regimen did not differ significantly.For tumor differentiation,the OR was 2.966(95%CI:1.449-6.069)for well tumor differentiation compared with moderate-poor differentiation.For TL(>3 cm)compared with TL(≤3cm),the OR was 2.608(95%CI:1.347-5.052),and for MRF(-)compared with MRF(+),the OR was 2.729(95%CI:1.199-6.211).