《Table 4 Risk factors associated with serological response for early syphilis patients in the two gr

《Table 4 Risk factors associated with serological response for early syphilis patients in the two gr   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Relationship between the high frequency of 23S rRNA point mutations in Treponema pallidum and low serological response rate to azithromycin treatment in China》

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RPR,rapid plasma regain;**P<0.01.

The factors associated with serological response at12-months follow-up are shown in Table 4.Both in univariate and multivariate analyses,patients with higher RPR titers(RPR,≥1∶64)were more likely toachieve serological response than those with lower RPR titers(RPR,≤1∶8;OR,0.23;95%CI,0.09-0.37).Patients in the azithromycin group were less likely to achieve serological response than those in the BPG group(OR,121.50;95%CI,35.38-386.17).Additionally,subgroup analyses showed that there was no significant relationship between the serological response and the following demographic and clinical characteristics,including gender distribution,age,number of sexual partners,and syphilis stage.