《Table 1 Clinical characteristics of six pregnant patients with hyperthyroid heart disease》

《Table 1 Clinical characteristics of six pregnant patients with hyperthyroid heart disease》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Hyperthyroid heart disease in pregnancy: Retrospective analysis of a case series and review of the literature》

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The number of gestational weeks at delivery ranged from 31+4 wk to 39+4 wk.Two patients experienced acute heart failure attacks in the second stage of labour.Vacuum and forceps were implemented in these patients to shorten the labour time.One patient who had a stillbirth had several heart attacks even after delivery.NIPPV and CRRT were used.The other patient responded well to aggressive diuretics and cardiac glycosides.This was confirmed by chest radiography and echocardiography.Figure 1 presents the echocardiography,and Figure 2 presents the comparison of chest X-rays.Two patients were enrolled with manifestations of heavy cardiac burden,but after receiving appropriate treatments for GD and precipitating factors,both patients responded well and prolonged their pregnancy.Two healthy preterm infants were born vaginally at 33 wk and 36 wk,respectively.These two patients did not present any symptoms of heart failure during labour.Table 3 shows the changesin thyroid hormone levels in these two patients.Another two patients who had regular antenatal care chose an elective caesarean section delivery,and two healthy full-term infants were born.In these six patients,the identified precipitating factors included anaemia,preeclampsia,pulmonary infection,and suspected chorioamnionitis.All of the patients’symptoms were relieved to a certain extent after the precipitating factors were treated.