《Table 1 Contents of nutritional elements in chilled pork samples from three different sources》

《Table 1 Contents of nutritional elements in chilled pork samples from three different sources》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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a,b Means in the same line with different lowercase letters are significantly different(P<0.05)according to ANOVA and Duncan test.SD:standard deviation.The measurements of chilled pork samples were based on wet weight

The contents of heavy metal elements(Pb,As,Hg,Cd,and Cr)in chilled pork samples from three different sources were presented in Table 2.The maximum residue limits of heavy metal elements in pork were based on the Chinese National Standard GB 2762-2017(NHC,2017).Apart from the nutritional elements,the heavy metal element residues in meat have received increasing attention in recent years.The heavy metal elements were accumulated and concentrated in the organs and tissues of animals from feed,pasture,polluted air or water(Andrée et al.,2010).Owing to the reduction of Pb emissions,the Pb level in food decreased significantly(Pilarczyk,2014).As shown in Table 2,the Pb level of chilled pork samples from online markets( (11.27±12.74)μg/kg) was nearly half of those from wet markets( (22.82±20.48)μg/kg) and supermarkets( (25.55±21.29)μg/kg) .The levels of Pb observed in our study were similar to the previous study reported by Gerber et al.(2009)in pork loin( (18.0±1.0)μg/kg) .As for As and Hg levels,these heavy metal elements were mostly found in seafood,while in meat they were often detected at marginal levels(Andrée et al.,2010).Expectedly,the As levels of all chilled pork samples were lower than the standard limit(0.5 mg/kg),and the samples from wet markets showed the lowest As levels.There wasno detectable variation among the Hg levels of chilled pork samples from the three different sources.The Hg levels of 44 samples(14 samples from wet markets,15 samples from supermarkets,15 samples from online markets)were below the limit of detection(1.0μg/kg).Cd,a human carcinogen(Group 1),is efficiently retained in the liver and kidney after absorption by the human body and has a long biological half-life(10–30 years).For the general non-smoking population,food is the main source of Cd exposure(Tomovi?et al.,2011).The Cd levels in chilled pork samples were extremely low,ranging from 0.10 to 2.25μg/kg.The Cd levels in samples from online markets( (0.47±0.39)μg/kg) were higher than those from wet markets( (0.21±0.31)μg/kg) and supermarkets( (0.18±0.19)μg/kg) ,but much lower than those reported by López-Alonso et al.(2007)in pork samples obtained from north-west Spain( (9.0±7.0)μg/kg) .No significant difference in Cr levels was observed among chilled pork samples from the three different sources.The heavy metal element levels of all chilled pork samples were in line with the Chinese National Standard,indicating that the chilled pork sold in Chinese markets was qualified and safe in heavy metal element residues and contaminants.