《Table 3 Disposal rates, manufacturing releases, avoided emissions from fossil fuels, and reuse rate

《Table 3 Disposal rates, manufacturing releases, avoided emissions from fossil fuels, and reuse rate   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Carbon forestry is surprising》

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Disposal rate is the proportion of products discarded annually.Reuse rate is the proportion of discarded products used as biofuel

Calculations were made for a forest estate of 502 ha located in southern Finland(Table 1).The forest consisted of 593 stand compartments.The average growing stock volume was 127 m3?ha-1(usable volume 116 m3?ha-1),of which Scots pine(Pinus sylvestris L.)accounted for33%,Norway spruce(Picea abies (L.)H.Karst.) 30%,silver birch(Betula pendula Roth)22%,downy birch(B.pubescens Ehrh.)5%,aspen(Populus tremula L.)6%and other species 4%.More than half(52%)of the stands represented mesic sites(Myrtillus type),27%were herbrich(Oxalis-Myrtillus type)and the remaining 11%were sub-xeric(Vaccinium type).