《Tab.3 The results of different algorithms for random mask》

《Tab.3 The results of different algorithms for random mask》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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We first apply our algorithm to a relatively easy matrix completion problem where the missing pixels are randomly distributed on the images.As show in the image(a2)and(b2)of Fig.2,we cover 50 percent pixels of the original images,and then compare our method with other three matrix completion algorithms.The results from MC-TSNR are shown in the image(a3)and(b3).The detailed results are shown in table 3.From table 3,we can see that the PSNR values of our method is better than the other three state of the art matrix completion methods with less execution time.Note that,both SVT and OptSpace consume the maximum 500 iterations and their execution time is more than 180 seconds.