《Table 1The ve rte x counts and triangle counts of graphic primitive s》

《Table 1The ve rte x counts and triangle counts of graphic primitive s》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Power Consumption Optimization for 3D Graphics Rendering》

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Fig.2 show s the standard geometric primitives:points(POINTS),lines(including LINES,LINE_STRIP and LINE_LOOP),triangles(including TRIANGLES,TRIANGLE_STRIP and TRIANGLE_FAN),quadrilaterals(including QUADS and QUAD_STRIP)and polygons(POLYGON).Polygons are usually convex and triangulated before entering the rendering pipeline.Obviously,many methods can be found to draw the same primitives,but different methods will have different representations of efficiency and result in different computational costs,choosing the appropriate primitive format is very important in 3D graphics rendering.Table 1 shows the vertex counts and triangle counts of the graphic primitives.