《Table 3 Effects of different layout distances (densities) of traps on the trapped number of S.litur

《Table 3 Effects of different layout distances (densities) of traps on the trapped number of S.litur   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Effect of Trap Space Layout on Trapped Number of Spodoptera litura in Tobacco Field》

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As shown in Table 3,the average trapped number per site showed that the average trapped number per site was the highest in May when the semi-diameter of trap setting was 50.0 m(distribution density of 5 traps/3.3 hm2),and the highest number reached24.8.Moreover,with the decrease of the setting semi-diameter(increase of densities),the average trapped number per site decreased,indicating that the average trapped number per site was large when the setting density of traps was small in the field.