《Table 2 Quantification of adhered bacteria to the materials》

《Table 2 Quantification of adhered bacteria to the materials》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《In vitro adherence of conjunctival bacteria to different oculoplastic materials》

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Bacterial counting in log10CFU/mm2±SD.CECT:Spanish type culture collection;WT:Wild-type;log10CFU/mm2:Base-10 logarithm of colony forming units per squared millimeter of material surface;PMMA:Polymethylmethacrylate;OI silicone:Orbital implant silicone;SSP:

Regarding the bacterial adhesion to polystyrene,S.aureus and especially S.marcescens showed more adhered cells,although the two strains of S.epidermidis also exhibited high levels of adhesion(Table 1).In contrast,C.amycolatum and A.calcoaceticus revealed a poor adhesion to polystyrene.All strains had the highest level of attached cells at approximately12h of incubation(Table 1).Therefore,the incubation time of the strains with the different samples of the materials was for12h for all bacteria.