《Table 1 Preliminary search and visual examination results in the target journals》

《Table 1 Preliminary search and visual examination results in the target journals》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Critical review of studies on building information modeling(BIM) in project management》

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During visual examination,the?nal round of the T/A/K search was conducted with the selected journals.IJPM and PMJ focus mainly on the project management domain;thus,only“BIM,”“building information modeling,”“building information modelling,”“building information model,”and“building information models”were applied as the search words for T/A/K search,without“project management”for searching the two journals.Four additional quali?ed articles published in the restricted duration were found in IJPM but none in PMJ.These articles were all related to project management.A total of13 target articles were found and added to the collection.The total number of the articles was 115 after the duplicates were removed.However,during visual examination,?ve articles were eliminated.Three of them were from IJPM,JCEM,and ECAM,were found to be unrelated to BIM,as these articles focused generally on ICTs,and BIM was used as an example of ICT and was discussed inadequately.While the other two articles focused on the application of Geographic Information System in project management in which BIM was only compared to as peer technology.These?ve articles were thus excluded from the list.Moreover,the present review focuses on BIM research in project management,which is a practice-oriented subject.Hence,seven additional articles on teaching and education related to BIM and project management were eliminated.The total number of the?nal papers were limited to 103(Table 1).