《第二语言习得与英语学习策略》求取 ⇩

Part Ⅰ:English Language Learning1

Chapter One:Learner Characteristics2

Modifiable variables in high and low English achievers,by Wen Qiufang2

Learner variables and English proficiency of Japanese university students:An exploratory study,by Sachiko Okuda,Hideko Midorikawa,and Masaru Kurihara11

Motivation and classroom behavior,by Chen Ting17

Changes in college English majors'beliefs,by Su Xiaojun20

One text,two readers:A case study,by Wang Jian24

Beliefs,strategies and vocabulary size:Chinese EFL learner's vocabulary retention strategies,by Wang Wenyu34

Chapter Two:Development of Linguistic Competence45

Problems in learning and using English tense-aspects by Chinese ESL learners,by Huang Yueyuan and Yang Suying45

Why some Chinese students cannot be efficient readers,by Liang Jianping54

Why do Zhuang speakers have difficulty pronouncing the English stops?by Zhang Mingqiu56

The effect of writing tasks on the organization of ESL composition,by Ting Yenren63

Influence of tasks on oral performance,by Zhu Lingzhi80

Analysis of lay-out discourses by beginning EFL writers,by Hu Ruiyun90

Differences in cohesive patterns between English and Chinese,by Xu Yuchen99

Lexical cohesion in EFL reading comprehension,by Qiu Wei106

Chapter Three:Development of Communicative Competence111

Communicative competence,"communicative adequacy,"and the me taphors of language proficiency,by Joanna Radwanska Williams111

Promoting EFL learners'pragmatic competence,by Wu Caixia121

Part Ⅱ:English Language Teaching131

Chapter Four:Communicative Approach to English Language Teaching132

Context and English teaching,by Zhu Yongsheng132

Classroom management:drawing attention and encouraging participation,by Lin Xiaohong137

Group work in intensive reading class,by Liang Qinghe143

Affective learning in the EFL classroom and the potential of video films,by Lu Danyun147

Free discussion:an effective method for English teachers'on-the-job training,by Shi Yunzhong152

Beyond language points:Integrating communicative activities in intensive reading classes,by Yu Xiaojian157

Communicative methods for teaching grammar,by Yu Mei161

Promoting oral competence in the intensive reading class,by Lin Lihua164

Communicative approach in intensive reading,by Qiu Mingjuan168

Communicative activities for exercises in college English,by Zhu Xiaoming171

Chapter Five:Cultural Differences and English Language Teaching176

Teaching of English speaking culture and its implications:Teaching conversationand socio-cultural norms,by C.Ruth Pritchard176

Intercultural communication training in language courses,by Don Snow183

Cultural differences and foreign language teaching,by Chen Dongdong193

Vocabulary teaching and inter-cultural communication,by Dong Naiting196

The difference"foreign teachers"make,by Zheng Guolong203

Chapter Six:Teaching Methods and Techniques208

Teachers learning,learners teaching,by Kate Parry208

Enhancing language development of at-risk students with computer technology and combined teaching and learning strategies,by Chen Aiyen220

Immersion program and English proficiency of Chinese students,by Eva Fungkuen Lai227

Integrating reading and writing in the classroom,by Li Junwei235

Can we write poems in English?by Sui Gang240

Creative writing for college freshmen,by Xu Ping246

Vocabulary presentation with the aid of morphological analysis,by Tong Yali253

Making a word blossom,by Du Hui and Guan Hongdi264

Techniques for speech error correction,by Yin Hua270

Dictation in the classroom,by Zhao Jun276

Extensive reading and schema,by Qian Yufang282

Part Ⅲ:Testing and Curriculum Reform285

Chapter Seven:Testing286

Subject reading:what to expect after College English Band 4,by Yang Zhizhong286

Achieve beneficial backwash effect:How to improve College English Test Band 4,by Wang Wangzhu290

Influence of TEMs 4&8 upon English majors,by Duan Lingli297

Chapter Eight:Materials Design300

Improving the course book English for four-year vocational schools,by Dai Qingning300

Make the most out of our textbooks:Adaptation of Focus Listening(Band 1—Band 4),by Zheng Haicui306

Suggestions for improvement of College English Focus Listening,by Lu Jianna310

Short-answer questions in testing:Reading comprehension in college English,by Wang Haixiao and Clifford Hill317

New textbook for middle school students,by Zhu Minghui338


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Understanding Second Language Acquisition 第二语言习得概论
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