《Table 1:Parameters affected by shape function of#1 specimen》

《Table 1:Parameters affected by shape function of#1 specimen》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《A three dimensional modeling method for spherical open cell aluminum foams based on spherical core stratification algorithm》

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In MATLAB,the parameters k1,k2,k3,k4,and k5 in Eq.(9)are identified by the cftool fitting tool of MATLAB and by using stress and strain test data of the specimens.Selecting the relative density 0.325 as the reference relative density,based on the stress-strain data of the quasi-static compression test specimen,the five parameters affected by the shape function are obtained by fitting.Taking the influence parameters of the shape function obtained by#1 standard test piece fitting as reference,which are shown in Table 1,the fitting result is indicated by the correlation coefficient R-square,which is 0.9999,indicating that the fitting result is very good.The fitting result curve is shown in Fig.8(a).(2)Parameter fitting affected by relative density