《Table 3 Quantitative analysis of different perfusion parameters》

《Table 3 Quantitative analysis of different perfusion parameters》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Instant evaluation of contrast enhanced endoscopic ultrasound helps to differentiate various solid pancreatic lesions in daily routine》

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AT:Arrival time;TTP:Time to peak intensity;AUC:Area under the curve;PI:Peak intensity;RCC:Renal cell carcinoma;LC:Lung cancer;db:Decibel.

Of those 55 patients,CEH-EUS showed hypoenhanced lesions in 39 cases,while in13 patients contrast agent characteristics were classified as hyperenhanced by the investigator upon investigation and 3 lesions as non-enhanced.Calculation of signal intensity later on showed signal intensity of 6.1±3.2 db for lesions classified as hypoenhanced and 39.0±13.0 db for lesions classified as hyperenhanced.Nonenhanced lesions showed signal intensity of 1.3±0.3 db(Table 1).