《Table 1–Concentrations and MDL of VOCs.》

《Table 1–Concentrations and MDL of VOCs.》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《"The levels, sources and reactivity of volatile organic compounds in a typical urban area of Northeast China"》

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The atmospheric concentrations of selected VOCs in several Chinese cities are compared with those measured by this study in Shenyang(Table 2).The concentrations of alkanes and alkenes measured by this study were within the range of the values reported in the other cities,while the concentrations of aromatics and carbonyls measured by this study were less than most of the others.The large variations in the concentrations reported in different cities occurred not only because of the different strength of the VOC sources,but could also be ascribed to the different number of species measured in different cities.In addition,the selected studies were conducted in different years,and the inter-annual variation might be another reason for the differences among the reported VOC concentrations.