《Table 3 Independent variables in the surgical prognostic model for cervical spinal cord injury with

《Table 3 Independent variables in the surgical prognostic model for cervical spinal cord injury with   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Establishment and verification of a surgical prognostic model for cervical spinal cord injury without radiological abnormality》

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*P≤0.05.JOA:Japanese Orthopaedic Association.

We performed multiple imputations to determine the integrity of the analysis.According to the statistical results in Table 3,the P value of these three factors was<0.05.The prognosis could be attributed to these three factors because they were statistically significant.Three factors were finally selected:disease duration,preoperative Japanese Orthopaedic Association score,and extent of cervical spinal stenosis.The logistic prognostic model was represented as P=1/(1+e^ (2 5.4 5 4 5-2 1.2 5 7 6 V A L U E-1.2 1 6 0 S C O R E+3.4224TIME))(Equation 1)or logit(P)=-25.4545+21.2576VALUE+1.2160SCORE-3.4224TIME(Equation2),and the standardized partial regression coefficients were bVALUE’=80.6613,bSCORE’=0.2295,and bTIME’=2.1089.VAL-UE refers to the Pavlov ratio indicating the extent of cervical spinal stenosis(actual value),SCORE refers to the Japanese Orthopaedic Association score(range of 0–17),and TIMErefers to the disease duration(from injury to operation).