《Table 3 Pre-and postoperative clinical data of recurrent cases of PCG at 1-year follow-up within th

《Table 3 Pre-and postoperative clinical data of recurrent cases of PCG at 1-year follow-up within th   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Launching a paradigm for first and redo-surgery in primary congenital glaucoma: institutional experience》

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CTT:Combined trabeculotomy and trabeculectomy;SD:Standard deviation;min-max:minimum-maximum;IOP:Intraocular pressure;AGD:Antiglaucomatous drugs;AGV:Ahmed glaucoma valve.aSignificance value at P≤0.05.bMeasured in 32 eyes only.cIndependent t-test between th

Ahmed valve implantation model fp8(New World Medical,Inc.,Rancho Cucamonga,CA,USA)was used in67(76%)recurrent eyes;while 21(24%)eyes had augmented trabeculectomy with Ologen implant soaked in MMC.Table 3 gives details about the baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients before the two types of secondary surgeries.Preoperative VA was deficient in74(84%)of the recurrent eyes.The preoperative IOP was statistically higher in the AGV group(P<0.001).The followup period was statistically longer in the valve group of patients(P=0.048).