《Table 5 Effects of fertilization on main agronomic traits of rice in the early and late rice croppi

《Table 5 Effects of fertilization on main agronomic traits of rice in the early and late rice croppi   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Quantitative Evaluation on the Comprehensive Benefit of Controlled-Release Fertilizer in Typically Middle-Low Yield Rice Field》

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The data in the table are mean±standard deviation;the upper and lower case letters indicate significance of difference with the same letter indicating insignificant difference,and different letters indicating significant difference (at the levels of P<0.

As shown in Table 5,comprehensive analysis was made to the factors composed rice yield[11],namely effective panicles,seed setting rate,1 000-grain weight,and panicle setting rate.pike-forming rate.The results showed that for treatments FVOL,SVOL,LADVOL which were applied with CRF,the effective panicles were(265.600 5±22.047 0)×104/hm2(Aa),(243.000±237.85) ×104/hm2(Aa),and(240.300 0±212.529)×104/hm2(Ab).The variance analysis of F-test with multiple comparisons using Duncan's new multiple range method showed that only treatment LADVOLhad a significant difference(0.05),while the other treatments showed extremely significant differences(P<0.01).The seed setting rates of treatments FVOL,SVOL,LADVOL[8]were(75.603 3±4.136 9)%(Aa),(71.293 3±5.319 9) %(Bb),(75.328 7±2.547 4) %(Aa),respectively.Significant difference existed in treatment SVOL,while there was no significant difference in treatments FVOLand LADVOL.On the other hand,all other treatments showed extremely significant differences(P<0.01).There was no difference in the main agronomic traits of treatments SVOLand SXNK,but the differencewas extremely significant with SFFPand FFFP(P<0.01).