《Table 3 Statistics of the trend in variation of autumn phenological time of five typical deciduous

《Table 3 Statistics of the trend in variation of autumn phenological time of five typical deciduous   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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The results of autumn phenophase simulation showed that the LCD of all species was spatially different depending on latitude and altitude,with the latest LCD in the eastern and southern regions in China(Figure 2).The time distribution of each species indicated that the average LCD of Armeniaca vulgaris(Figure 2e)was relatively early,whereas that of Robinia pseudoacacia(Figure 2c)was relatively late.The LCD time range was also different.The range of LCD was larger for Fraxinus chinensis,Salix babylonica,and Ulmus pumila than that for other species.A linear regression between LCD and year was used to determine the trend of autumn phenology.The results of the trend analysis(Table 3)showed that the LCD was delayed in 83.7%–99.5%of the pixels for most species,except for Ulmus pumila.Among the other species,the delaying trends were most distinct for Robinia pseudoacacia and Armeniaca vulgaris,with 83.7%and 81.6%of the pixels showing significant delay,respectively.The LCD of Ulmus pumila was advanced in 70.8%pixels,but only in3.2%of the pixels the advancing trends were significant(P<0.05).In general,except for Ulmus pumila(-0.4 d/10a),the LCD of all species showed a distinct delaying trend over the last 50 years,with an average trend of 0.5–0.8 days per decade.