《Table 4 Structural changes in optimal construction land in Beijing under three scenarios》

《Table 4 Structural changes in optimal construction land in Beijing under three scenarios》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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When GDP is expected to grow steadily by 6.5%,the supply of land for transport,residential use,public management,and public services should be effectively increased compared to the actual value.When the price of land increases by 20%,due to the apparent increase in land use cost,in addition to land for transport,the approval and supply of land for industry,mining and warehousing,residential uses,commercial and services uses,public management,and public services should be strictly controlled.When the total labor force is expected to increase by 20%,the simulation results are similar to Scenario 2.Therefore,the preparation of a SAM table for Beijing,Shanghai,Tianjin,and Chongqing,using the CGE model,is conducive to a more comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the social and economic problems of each municipality directly under the central government.