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Part One Theoretical Considerations7

Reconstructing Humanistic and Stylistic Traditions in Chinese Rhetoric—A Contrastive Approach Gu Yueguo7

Reality Set, Discourse Analysis, and Discourse with a Capital D —The Rectification of Names in Discourse and Critical Discourse Analysis Ron Scollon39

The Structure of Culture and Intercultural Communication Studies—Some Critical Comments He Minzhi53

Revisiting Cultural Relativism in Our Global Village Lin Dajin80

Analysis of Intercultural Encounters and Miscommunication Wu Cuiyu91

The Tao and Qi of Intercultural Communication Competence Gao Yihong118

Communication Industries: Opportunities and Challenges on a Global Scale Zhang Yonghua144

Insider and Outsider in Intercultural Research Chen Xiangming185

Part Two Language and Culture207

A Tentative Comparison of First Naming Between Chinese and American English Du Xuezeng207

The Cultural Implication of the Chinese Cuisine Naming Wang Fengxin220

Cultural Connotation of Animal Words in English and Chinese Chen Dezhang234

Branding Culturally: An Intercultural Communication Viewpoint Li Zhenyi248

Culture as Social Discourse—A Comparison of Two Volvo Advertisements Zhang Chaoyi264

English Idioms—A Mirror Reflecting British Culture Ping Hong and Zhang Guoyang280

Expressions of Social Interaction in Chinese and Arabic—A Comparative Approach Zhu Licai296

Indirectness Revisited—On the Communicative Style in Two Types of Chinese Letters Hu Wenzhong315

Part Three Cultural Differences in Discoures and Communicative Style315

Cultural Characteristics of Indirectness Bi Jiwan335

Politeness in Correspondence Discourse—A Contrastive Study Liu Dailin356

Biased Discourse in Contrastive Rhetorical Study Li Zhanzi370

Part Four International Business and Organizations393

International Organizations: Their Communication and Language Aspects Hu Gengshen393

Naming and Framing Jane Orton410

Problem-Solving vs. Relation-Building: Frame Analysis of a Negotiation between Americans and Japanese Yoshiko Nakano435

What Professional Communicators Say about Organizational Creativity: Lessons from Hong Kong Richard A. Ruidl453

Cross-Cultural Influence on Management of Multinational Corporations Kong Ying488

Interpersonal Relationship and Intercultural Communication: East and West Jia Yuxin505

Part Five Value Differences505

The Influence of Cultural Individualism-Collectivism and Self Construals on Hong Kong People s Style of Acquiring Information in Initial Encounters Feng Qi523

Asian Values Revisited in the Context of Intercultural News Communication Xu Xiaoge543

Part Six English as an International Language561

English as a Language for International Communication: An Asian Perspective Nobuyuki Honna561

Sociolinguistic Situation in Singapore Tina Tajima584

The Linguistic and Cultural Division of Englishness in English as an International Language Wang Zhixin596

Part Seven Intercultural Communication Publications, etc.619

A New Phase in Comparative Culture Studies—A Review of Recently Published Intercultural Communication Works He Daokuan619

Intercultural Communication on the Internet—The How s and Why s of China s Voice on the Internet Li Zhan633

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