《英语常用词辨析》求取 ⇩


§1.ability capacity talent1

§2.above ove r on upon2

§3.accept receive3

§4.accident incident4

§5.accurate exact correct4

§6.ache pain5

§7.acquire obtain gain get6

§8.across through7

§9.affair matter business8

§10.affect influence9

§11.afraid fear10

§12.after behind11

§13.ago before12

§14.agree to agree with13

§15.aid assist help13

§16.aim purpose object14

§17.allow permit let promise15

§18.almost nearly17

§19.aloud loud loudly18

§20.also too either18

§21.although though19

§22.always often frequently20

§23.among between21

§24.anger indignation22

§25.animal beast23

§26.announce declare proclaim23

§27.answer reply24

§28.anxious eager25

§29.any some26

§30.argue debate dispute27

§31.arise rise28

§32.arms weapon29

§33.army troops30

§34.around round31

§35.arrive reach31

§36.article essay composition32

§37.as when while33

§38.as because for34

§39.ask inqui re question36

§40.ask beg request37

§41.attempt try38

§42.automobile car bu s coach truck lorry39

§43.avenge revenge40

§44.await wait41

§45.awake wake41

§46.awful terrible dreadful horrible42

§47.bag sack satchel44

§48.bank shore beach coast44

§49.banner flag45

§50.base basis foundation46

§51.basic fundamental47

§52.battle war campaign47

§53.beat strike hit48

§54.beautiful pretty handsome49

§55.begin start50

§56.below under beneath51

§57.besides except52

§58.big large great53

§59.blossom flower54

§60.boat ship55

§61.boil cook55

§62.bold brave courageous56

§63.borrow lend57

§64.bring take fetch get carry58

§65.broad wide59

§66.build construct erect establish found set up60

§67.buy purchase62

§68.cable telegram telegraph63

§69.call on visit see drop in64

§70.calm quiet65

§71.can may65

§72.cap hat66

§73.captive prisoner67

§74.carry on carry out carry through67

§75.cause reason68

§76.cease stop pause69

§77 centre middle70

§78.chance opportunity71

§79.cheat deceive71

§80.chicken cock hen72

§81.choose select elect73

§82.city town74

§83.clever wise75

§84.climate weather75

§85.close shut76

§86.clothes clothing dress77

§87.collect gather78

§88.college institute university79

§89.commission committee80

§90.communication transportation traffic80

§91.complete finish81

§92.conceal hide82

§93.conceited proud arrogant haughty83

§94.conference meeting rally congress session84

§95.consequence result effect85

§96.consist ofconsist in86

§97.cot tage hut house villa87

§98.country state nation88

§99.couple pair89

§100.crawl creep89

§101.crazy mad90

§102.crime sin91

§103.crop harvest92

§104.cry shout exclaim93

§105.cry weep sob94

§106.cunning sly94

§107.cup glass95

§108.cure heal95

§109.custom habit96

§110.dear expensive97

§111.decide determine make up one’s mind98

§112.defend protect99

§113.delegate deputyrepresentative100

§114.demand requi re101

§115.depart leave102

§116.department store shop store102

§117.desi re wi sh want hope expect103

§118.desk table105

§119.die pass away perish106

§120.different various107

§121.discover invent108

§122.di stress grief sorrow108

§123.doctor physician surgeon109

§124.door gate110

§125.doubt suspect111

§126.drag draw pull111

§127.draw paint112

§128.dress put on wear113

§129.drill exercise practice114

§130.duty obligation responsibility115

§131.each every116

§132.earth ground land soil116

§133.elder older118

§134.emancipate liberate119

§135.enemy foe119

§136.enermous huge120

§137.error mistake fault120

§138.esteem respect121

§139.evening night122

§140.examination test quiz123

§141.example instance124

§142.exhausted tired weary124

§143.factory mill plant works125

§144.family home house126

§145.farmer peasant127

§146.fast rapid swift quick128

§147.fate fortune129

§148.festival holiday red-letter day130


§149.few a few little a little131

§150.fight struggle132

§151.final last133

§152.find look for133

§153.flesh meat134

§154.foolish silly stupid135

§155.forbid prohibit136

§156.freedom liberty136

§157.gift present137

§158.glasses spectacles137

§159.grasp grip seize138

§160.grass weed139

§161.grave tomb cemetery139

§162.happen occur take place140

§163.harbour port141

§164.hare rabbit141

§165.have to must142

§166.hear listen142

§167.heaven sky143

§168.high tall144

§169.hill mountain145

§170.hotel inn145

§171.hurt injure wound146

§172.idle lazy147

§173.ill sick147

§174.implement tool instrument148

§175.indeed really149

§176.inform notify150

§177.insist persist persevere151

§178.interpreter translator152

§179.journey trip voyage tour travel152

§180.jump leap spring154

§181.kill murder slaughter155

§182.kind sort155

§183.know recognize156

§184.labour toil work157

§185.laugh smile158

§186.lawn meadowpasture159

§187.learn study159

§188.lift rai se160

§189.like loVe be fond of161

§190.little small162

§191.look see163

§192.machine machinery164

§193.many much164

§194.memorize remember recall165

§195.mend repair166


§197.officer official167

§198.oppress suppress168

§199.ought should169

§200.path road way169

§201.pay salary wage170

§202.people person171

§203.problem que stion172

§204.product production173

§205.propose suggest174

§206.pupil student174

§207.real true175

§208.reform transform176

§209.rescue save176

§210.say speak talk tell177

§211.seat sit179

§212.shake tremble shiver shudder179

§213.socks stockings180

§214.some time sometime sometimes181

§215.story tale182

§216.stout strong182

§217.subject theme topic183

§218.till until184

§229.triumph victory185

§220.worth worthy185

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