《汉英对照通用微机教程》求取 ⇩


第一章键盘指法、磁盘及开关机 Chapter I Keyboard Fingering. Disk and Power on/off5

1键盘构造 Keyboard Structure5

2打字指法训练 Fingering Training10

3磁盘及磁盘驱动器 Disk and Disk Drive13

4指法练习开、关机步骤 The steps for power the microcomputer on and off for fingering16

5键盘与ASCII编码 Keyboard and ASCII Code16


第二章汉字五笔字型 Chapter 2 Chinese Character “Five-stroke-Method”20

1汉字的构造 Construction of Chinese Character20

2笔顺及五笔 Stroke sequence and “Five-Stroke”21

3汉字的拆分原则 Separation principles of a Chinese Character23

4键名及字根 Key name and word root24

5末笔交叉识别码 Inter-idetify code by the last stroke27

6简码 Simplified code29

7词组及联想 Word group and Lianxiang32

8国际二级字库及汉字编码原理 Vocabulary library of National Standard of Level Two and the coded principle for Chinese Character34

9如何进入中英文兼容全屏幕编辑 How to Enter “Full Screen Editing with English and Chinese”36


第三章 微机的基本结构及测试Chapter3 Basic Structure of a Microcomputer and Its testing38

1微机的功能部件 Function parts of a microcomputer39

2486微机及其接口 486 microcomputer and its interfaces44

3微机的系统测试 System test for microcomputer54


第四章磁盘操作系统DOS Chapter 4 Disk operating system DOS57

1操作系统DOS的三个模块 Three modules of disk operating system DOS57

2计算机病毒 Computer virus61

3常用DOS内部命令 Frequently-used DOS internal commands63

4常用DOS外部命令 Frequently-used DOS external commands74

5操作系统DOS6.22的特点 Characteristic of disk operating system DOS 6.2283

6磁盘操作系统DOS与高档微机 Disk operating system and high rank microcomputer83

7关于内部命令的若干汇编程序 Some assembler programs about DOS internal commands86


第五章中英文兼容全屏幕编辑 Chapter 5 Full screen editing with English and Chinese95

1文件操作 File operation98

2块操作 Block operation101

3光标定位 Cursor location103

4删、插字符 Delete and Insert a character or characters104

5卷页寻找 QF Volume and page search107

6窗口 Window109

7自动制表与手动制表 Automatic and manual tabling111

8排版 Edition arrangement113

9字体、字型及字号 Font character type and character number118

10打印机驱动程序的安装 Installation for printer driver131

11文件服务功能 File service function132

12帮助信息 Help information133

13关于文件操作的算法 About algorithm for file operation134


第六章工具软件 Chapter 6 Tool software138


2高密软盘对拷工具软件HD-COPY A tool software for high density diskette copy138

3复制数据索引软件DISKDUPE Disk Data Index software DISKDUPE150

4拷贝的示意性算法 Example algorithm for copy153


第七章中文视窗windows 3.2及微机挂网 Chapter 7 Chinese Windows 3.2 and How does a microcomputer connect to Internet155

1Windows 3.2的特点 The features of Windows 3.2155

2Windows 3.2的安装 Installation of Windows 3.2156

3Windows 3.2的使用 The use of Windows 3.2158

4应用程序之间的切换 Change-over between Application Programs159

5Windows3.2的自学习 Tutorial of Windows 3.2160

6在Windows 3.2中漫游 Take a trip in Windows 3.2161

7在中文Windows 3.2下挂上五笔字型 Let Five-Stroke-Chinese-Character-Typelink to Windows 3.2166

8在中文Windows 3.2下装入各种中英文字体 Lord a variety of Chinese and English Fonts in Chinese Windows 3.2167

9在中文Windows 3.2下有选择地装入应用软件 Load the selected application software in Chinese Windows 3.2167

10互联网络与信息高速公路 Internet and information high way168

11微机如何挂网 How does a microcomputer connect to Internet169

12虚拟图书馆 Virtual library172

13电子邮件 E-mail Electronic mail E-mail173


附录A:ASCII字符集常用集Appendix A: Common Set of ASCII Character Set175

附录B:五笔字型单个汉字及词组总表Appendix B: General Table for Chinese Character Vocabulary for “Five-Type”178

附录C:《汉英对照通用微机教程》期末考抽样试卷Appendix C: Sample Examination Paper for 201

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