《世界建筑 NO.51》求取 ⇩


奥里维第展示室Showroom of Olivetti9

侧面出入口 Side entrance9

圣马可广场正面全景 Facade on the piazza S.Marco10

一层主要楼梯 Main staircase12

从夹层往下眺望之景 Looking down from the entresol14

入口大厅艾伯多·维亚尼之雕刻 Sculpture by Alberto Viani on the entrance hall16

格子窗 Latticed window17

奎瑞尼·史坦巴里亚Querini Stampalia18

面临运河正面 Facade on the canal18

大厅(门廊) Lobby of the hall (portego)20

玄关外望大厅之景色 View of the lobby from the entrance hall22

运河上桥梁之细部 Detail of the bridge over the canal23

庭园墙屏 Garden wall24

庭园之喷泉 Fountain in the garden25

大厅通往庭园之门 Doorway to the garden from the hall26

大厅之大理石门 Marbled door of the hall27

大厅望庭园之景 View of the garden from the hall28

卡斯特维奇奥美术馆Castelvecchio Museum30

庭园内之正面 Facade on the garden30

展示空间 Exhibit space32

两栋建筑物连接之部份 Junction of the two buildings34

同上 ditto35

展示空间 Exhibit space36

同上 ditto37

同上 ditto38

钢骨构成之展示用台座 Iron pedestal for display40

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