《世界建筑 NO.30》求取 ⇩


秘书处大楼立面的部分 Segment of a wall of the Secretariat building9

香地葛都市计划全图 Layout plan for the City of Chandigarh10

自法院大厦前水池看大会堂和秘书处 View of the Palace of Assembly and the Secretariat from across the pool of the Palace of Justice12

首府区主要建筑物配置图 Site plan for the main elements of the Capitol complex14

秘书处大楼全景 Panoramic view of the Secretariat building16

秘书处大楼立面部份 Facade of the Secretariat building18

秘书处大楼立面阳台 Balcony on the facade of the Secretariat building20

秘书处大楼的部份立面 Pilotis section in the facade of the Secretariat building21

秘书处大楼坡道问外观 Exterior view of the staircase housing of the Secretariat building22

秘书处大楼西侧立面 Westside wall of the Secretariat building23

秘书处大楼之屋顶花园 Rooftop garden of the Secretariat building24

秘书处大楼平面图 Floor plans of the Secretariat building26

秘书处大楼剖面图 Sections of the Secretariat building27

秘书处西北面全景 Panoramic view of the Secretariat as seized from the northwestern direction28

大会堂平面图 Floor plans of the Palace of Assembly30

大会堂立面及剖面 Elevation and section of the Palace of Assembly31

大会堂入口雨庇 Canopy sheltering the entranceway of the Palace of Assembly32

自大会堂前水池看秘书处大楼 View of the Secretariat building from across the pool of the Palace of Assembly33

大会堂全景以及池中之倒影 Panoramic view of the Palace of Assembly with its reflection in the pool34

大会堂入口正面 Facade of the Palace of Assembly36

秘书处大楼屋顶所见大会堂全景 Panoramic view of the Palace of Assembly from the roof of the Secretariat building38

大会堂西侧一景 Westside wall of the Palace of Assembly40

大会堂天空线 Skylight of the Palace of Assembly41

大会堂正面全景 Frontal panoramic view of the Palace of Assembly42

法院大厦所见大会堂一景 View of the Palace of Assembly from the Palace of Justice44

大会堂雨庇下所见法院大厦一景 View of the Palace of Justice from below the canopy of the Palace of Assembly45

法院大厦全景 Panoramic view of the Palace of Justice46

法院大厦正面之柱列 Frontal columns of the Palace of Justice48

同上 ditto49

法院大厦前水池所见之全景 Panoramic view of the Palace of Justice from across the pool in front50

法院大厦坡道系统(细部) Ramp system of the Palace of Justice (detail)52

同上 ditto53

法院大厦正立面 Facade of the Palace of Justice54

法院大厦东全景 Eastern view of the Palace of Justice56

法院大厦立面图 Elevation of the Palace of Justice57

法院大厦东南面入口 Southeastern entrance of the Palace of Justice58

法院大厦东南面立面 Southeastern wall of the Palace of Justice59

法院大厦平面图 Floor plan of the Palace of Justice60

法院大厦剖面 Section of the Palace of Justice61

法院大厦屋顶 Roof of the Palace of Justice62

法院大厦露台 Terrace of the Palace of Justice63

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